Why can’t we have professional juries? People with a basic background in varied types of criminal law, who serve consistently and understand court proceedings?
Why can’t we have professional juries? People with a basic background in varied types of criminal law, who serve consistently and understand court proceedings?
I just love Nancy— “Hang all of them / Time to stop this violence!”
Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.
Me, too. She speaks to the part of me that is eternally an angsty teenager, the part that will never leave me, no matter how old or “adult” I become.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think TNR should be a staff writer here?
My first thought was “Of course she grabbed a knife, she thought some lunatic was trying to break into the house where her kids were!”
When was the last time the children of our president were off limits? I’m CLEARLY not advocating being horrible to a child, but the obama girls were called monkeys for 8 years, and im pretty sure Chelsea was CRUCIFIED for existing. So you’ll have to excuse me for not caring that this post, and most of the…
No kidding. My friend posted basically the same thing on FB the other night (Leah, is that you?😁)....
And if you say “Was she crazy, like in the mentally ill sense, or did you just find yourself so unwilling to meet her emotional needs that you re-cast them as fundamentally unreasonable so you could ignore them without feeling a sense of guilt or wrongdoing?” then they never call you back. Harrumph.
Thank you for not making me click. You are doing the Lord’s work.
If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.
Gender aside, it’s 76 000 total. He’s trying to doom the world just to make 76 000 people happy with a worthless job. Population of the USA is 360 million+, population of the world is 7 billion, and he’s doing all this just to make sure 76 000 people in the USA have a job that has no actual place in modern society.
What a bunch of fucking dumbasses. The Titanic sank because of an iceberg. Trump is pulling us out of this Paris thing so that we never have to worry about hitting an iceberg again. SMH
Hey, does that band remind anyone else of the one on the Titanic? No? Just me?
She’s been on a covfefe break for the past 24 hours....
Probably didn’t bother to read the signs and didn’t know which museum was which. Same person came back when the media pointed out his mistake.
I’m sorry for your loss. I had a termination at 26 weeks because of a diagnosis of Arthrogryposis. My daughter wouldn’t have survived birth. When that far along, you have an injection and then you are induced. The whole process took from Monday to Sunday, partly because I nearly bled out afterwards. It was an…
This is going to sound crazy, but in Quebec, not only are medically recommended abortions performed in hospitals and paid for by our health insurance, but if you have ANY pregnancy termination after 19 weeks, be it by miscarriage or abortion for any reason, you are eligible for 18 weeks of government paid maternity…
But... This is not about saving him, the treatment he would get would only extend his life while remaining in pain and suffering.
What... the mall has a curfew? Not the teens? What?