It’s a totally cool and normal thing for your boss to talk shit about your husband and comment on your marriage on social media.
It’s a totally cool and normal thing for your boss to talk shit about your husband and comment on your marriage on social media.
I used to struggle with this too. I grew up with parents who were physically and mentally abusive and it had such a catastrophic impact on me. I developed PTSD and addiction issues. Even after I got sober, I still held on to my anger at them. I’m only now, nearly 7 years sober, in a place where I want to forgive them.…
In the therapeutic sense, forgiveness is about the person doing the forgiving. It’s about letting go of the emotional hold that your abuser has over you, not about excusing the acts or freeing the abuser from responsibility.
Awww, man. You guys are lucky that the MTA enticed him away from Toronto. While our problems don’t sound quite as bad, he was a godsend here. He was actually able to overcome political inertia, and years of neglect, to get things back on track (joke unintended) for our whole transit system.
That episode where Quentin and Elliot grow old made me cry like a goddamn emotionally well-adjusted yet traditionally manly man baby. The show’s able to punch on a lot more levels than it should be able to get away with.
Saying to you what I said to someone else—sorry for the repeat. Think about when and where you made the advance. Think about what you said leading up to it. If, as in Hannah’s story, you let a girl think she’s just your buddy right up until she’s in your apartment in the middle of the night to “crash on your couch,”…
I copied this from my response to the origional poster in this thread in case you missed it:
That’s ridicous? It was perfectly plotted through out.
I agree that the McClatchy report is unnecessarily alarmist at this point. It just states that “An announcement could come as soon as Friday,” which is.... not the same thing as saying that an announcement will happen. Is DACA going to be ended by Trump? At this point, very likely. Just.... we don’t know for sure yet.
This sounds very similar to people who have a kid to try to bring their relationship closer together. Why would making things more complicated fix anything when you are already failing to communicate right now?!
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to…
Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?
This article is literally just video clips and quotes, my dude.
This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.
There’s someone in my friend group who’s a lot like Jerry. Us friends have had talks about his fucked behavior to women which has only gotten worse over the years. None of us have been able to cut him out of our lives partly because we all survived in this small town together since we were kids and partly because it…
... so, we don’t just put our bras on before we get ready? Was that... was that just me?
Well, I’ve also been through this and I agree with all of what you said except for where you disagreed with the advice.
Yup, and even when you do fully block them and cut off contact, they can still try to find ways to violate the boundaries you’ve put in place. I had an ex like that guy and am watching a friend date a similarly shitty person and I’m not getting involved beyond letting my friend know that I’m here if she needs me. …
I’m someone who knows what my issues are and have found CBT to much more helpful than psychoanalysis or talk therapy.