
You guys voted for that fucker so these assholes are what you get.

So thefatjewish is still a thing?

When the zombie died on the dance floor in this movie..



Not ALL kid fans...

The fact that the most powerful man in the world; with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal; feels “bullied” by the “liberal media” is fucking laughable.

Who the FUCK would let their kid go to North Korea in the first place?!

That’s the body of a guy have never ever ever ever worked a hard day in his entire life.

Guaranteed you’re from Columbus or Philly.

Artist rendering of their first child...

This is the only man that should be known as the Captain.

He’s such a fucking ankle biter out there. Brutal player.

Bobcat will still say he’s a hotdog.

Love Leon and Connor but people need to pump the breaks on the the whole Messier/Gretzky comparison. Crosby/Malkin maybe...

Sky is blue.

He reminds me of the kid who got an allergic reaction from hair dye...