
Ya I know, that's where they get the idea from. But like you said the verse doesn't specify when we will eventually be taken to heaven. And from what we see in the rest of the Bible, the Lord wouldn't cause an event like what we see in Left Behind to happen. If it really happened that way, then many people would die

SyFy handled the Dune series better than anyone else, i'll wait until this comes out to judge.

Please correct the headline, it hurts to look at.

So many of you are so Biblically illiterate. There is no book of 'Revelations'. It's the Book of (the) Revelation - or the Apocalypse (from the Greek Apokalupsis meaning the Disclosing {of hidden things} or revealing).

It is not the "Book of Revelations." It is the Book of Revelation or the Revelation to John, singular. I don't understand why it shows up as "Revelations" so often in popular culture but it really drives me crazy.

Always begging for Dick.

What, Cloverfield meets Campus Crusade for Christ?

Matthew 10:34. And 10:35. And 10:37. Yeah, just ignore the inconvenient stuff. Someday, a believer will have a satisfactory answer for me when I ask this question: do you people ever actually read the book you bash the rest of us over the head with?

Wow, that looks horrible.

Where have you been? Missed all the field research on storage units, etc?

I'll be in my bunk . . .

I thought that was cool, too. Usually it's the clothes left behind in these movies. Never considered the corpses. Nice touch.

*Revelation — it's not plural. You'd lose on Jeopardy if you pluralized Revelation"s".

I'd watch The Detritus. The others can piss off.

Not in the Christian Fundamentalist demographic... so nope. Anyway, isn't it a cryptic screed against Nero and not a disaster porn prophecy?

Not to be pedantic but... ok, to be pedantic, it's Book of Revelation. Singular.

D'argh! Everybody does this, but it's Book of Revelation. Singular. Or you can call it the Revelation to John or the Apocalypse of John. But it's one Revelation. Just one. Just the one.

Certainly never swimming again. Even in a pool.

I doubt you'd be able to do anything as sheer panic overtakes your body. Except die horribly in the jaws of a monster.