
copy-pasting arguments is lazy.

You just aren't really good at getting "focus persons", are you?

I'm gonna need you to tell me how exactly the story of Dracula is "about how disgusting and monstrous romanians are"

Repeating it doesn't make it less dumb, the basis on Muslims(Turks) being the bad guys is tied to the history of Dracula. Yes it's a movie about a vampire and thus not historically accurate but to draw a link to modern politics is stretching common sense well past it's breaking point. If you want to make a Dracula

Perhaps repeating yourself is not working because there are some flaws in your argument? Yes, it is a monster film made in the present day, which is loosely based on a historical figure. Even though this film is not based on the real life Vlad, it is based on the character created by Bram Stoker which was based on

You do realize that the demonization of Vlad was due to stories spread by his political enemies and that from what is actually know about him he was no more or less "evil" than his Turkish contemporaries. All sides in the conflicts in the Balkans were incredibly brutal and used brutality as a psychological weapon.

You are the one trying to overlay a lame social justice commentary over a bad monster movie. Get over your seriously weak comparison to Bram Stoker's Dracula as a anti-immigrant meme. This may come as a shock to you but Dracula was depicted as a monster by many other people than Stoker. Stoker did not create the

you'd hesitate to recognize the true parts of fictional film ? So you just ignore truth then? Good job . And your calling Vlad a "monster" is I'm sure just as offensive to the Romanians now as it was then when universal made the first Dracula film. But nobody cares about the Romanians feelings as their

I bed to differ. Dracula isn't being portrayed as a good guy because of Muslim hate. Dracula is being portrayed as a good guy because that's the trend in vampire pop culture these days. The vampire is the hero and the real enemy are the humans. Or the main vampire is a hero and he is fighting against a society of evil

The West is not "anti-islamic" , we are "anti-radical-islamic (who want to kill us)".

Can you please keep your politics out of your movie reviews? Your entire review is worthless since you've decided to put your politics in it when the very nature of the story involves an Islamic threat to a European country. Try again and come back with something that doesn't involve your personal agenda.

I know the interpretation that Dracula was written as a cautionary tale about an imagined immigrant menace in London is a popular one but is it really accurate? Given Stoker's Irish roots (and the significant influence of Irish mythology on his vampires and the undeniable literary influence of Le Fanu) and the fact

I think it's less about shifting the narrative to better reflect certain racist aspects of today's society then it is a natural extension of the stories' themes. As you pointed out, Bram Stoker's original story did reflect the anti-immigrant opinions of the time in which it was written, and that Victorian, "us good,

Can't say how glad it makes me to see people not buying into "this is racist!" nonsense.

That is absolutely not true. Dracula Year Zero from which the script is based on sold almost 8 years ago, hell this movie went into production almost a year and a half ago. Universal wants to turn all their monsters into heroes. Vlad was a real person who fought against the Muslims. And finally, Muslims have been

Are you sure that it is meant to reinforce the "Muslims are evil" point? Sexy vampires were cool not too long ago and a good anti-hero is always in style. Is it possible they just went with one of the most recognizable (and bankable) horror figures in cinematic (and actual) history and made him a dark and gritty

I'd argue that the only reason the Turks weren't particularly demonized in the novel Dracula, was purely because they didn't appear, not because the ire of the political climate was directed away from them. At the time Dracula was being written, the popular western view of the Turks in the 1800s when Dracula was

Just because the West finally finds the truth interesting, it doesn't make it any less of a truth (stupid portrayal notwithstanding). The Ottomans soaked the Balkans in blood, set churches with people inside them on fire, took children for their armies, raped women and so on - 500 years' worth of this. So tired of

The turks came to invade those lands and demand tribute, Tepes rebuked them and denied them, thus saving the then romania from paying the turks. How is that he not a good guy? Here in Romania, Vlad Tepes is never seen as the villain, EVER, he is a national hero who defended us against the turks and their tribute

I'm romanian, the turks were the bad guys, shut up. ALL HAIL LORD DRACULA!