Nicholas Benya

Actually, we are heading for a Lannister civil war.

Wheel of Time

My dream is to have it a Multi-national franchise. I would love to see a British Zombie movie, a French, Spanish, Chinese, zombie movie... If they were all under the WWZ umbrella there would be a standard of production values, actors and sfx people could collaborate. I think that would have been really cool.

Wheel of time

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The

I played through a couple times, see doesn't like you no matter what you do. I figure if see won't like me I want her scared of me. She won't help me when the poo hits,but she'll be too scared to stick a shiv in.

Ron Moore wrote a big chunk of this episode. This isn't very DS9. It's BSG in it's embryonic stage.

The Frog storyline in Chronotrigger. You spend hours tracking down parents for his sword, traversing continents and time. You give him the sword, and that music just swells up and he cuts a mountain in two...epic

Can someone with the know how please make a GIF of the sister Tara bugging out in the middle of the fight when Daryl starts chucking grenades and put NOPE NOPE NOPE at the bottom? I laughed when she just dropped the gun and said screw this.

But here's why the finale sucked. First they were doing flashbacks to events that happened about seven years in the past, but everyone looked their current age. That took me right out of the story. Second, Starbucks is the daughter of the Cylon that Cavall thought he had killed.

Sorry, sir. The correct answer is Buffy vs. Dracula. A moderately entertaining Monster of the week episode, completely ruined with the reveal of Dawn. That was the shark jump right there. Don't get me wrong the Dawn thing could have worked. Had Michelle Tracheneburg been a member of the cast from the start and the big

Sorry, sir. The correct answer is the BSG series finale.

2 points. 1. Yatzee had it right with, —the game should have been a throw small children in reverse slow motion out of a window simulator.

I don't think the writers will just go with another crazy/horrible lady this season(at least I hope not). But look, Carol is on the Concil, I don't think she would go full on anarchist and disrespect the "rule of law" or whatever they have set up.

Yep, that's why I would use a 2011 Hyundai Tucson. It handles well, good fuel efficiency, and it never hits zombies. Every other car has been in an accident, but that Tucson is crazy reliable.

I'd say the rat-feeder and the person who killed the two probable infected and the person who then burned the bodies is the same person, Ben. Why? Because AMC isn't going to spring for any more speaking roles.

Oh, there were some great books. PoD was not great. It picked up a bit for Winter's heart. Then you have to slog through Crossroads of Twilight, with should be required reading just to prove that you can write 700 pages AND NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENS. If you can get through that one the rest are pretty good. But