I couldn’t tell if you’re joking, so I clicked on the track.
I couldn’t tell if you’re joking, so I clicked on the track.
The comedy of this game is that it’s still mostly unplayable for the people who had issues playing it at the beginning, but it’s now also hella stale for the people who didn’t have a bad technical experience with it on day 1. Basically, they’re really struggling to make this game enjoyable for anyone anymore to the…
Man, I loved Save the World. Still bitter that it never went F2P. They choked that game to death by being the worst of both worlds -- full retail and full F2p Microtransactions.
Isn’t the point of being trans to have a physical form that matches your own internal identity? What’s stopping you from picking a character that matches your own identity?
I wish they hadn’t shown the Slayers face and voice in Eternal. I know he’s had a face since the original games, but I liked that in the 2016 reboot that technically anyone could be under the helmet.
So here’s the source for the lead image, which is a Fan AMV of Green/Red/Blue Link getting pleasured by the Purple Link. Enjoy this little part of LoZ history.
I mean, you wanna go a little further, when kirby eats steve on the minecraft stage in smash there’s minecraft in nintendo in minecraft in nintendo.
I’m not surprised, and I completely understand why they included him (and it works, tbh), but I can’t even begin to describe how quickly my excitement deflated when I saw Steve break through the wall. Can’t win ‘em all. I’m sure a lot of people love this, though, so I’m glad for them.
I wish that I could just get Warframe to “click” for me. This and a lot of other things Warframe does always sounds so fucking cool, but I just bounce off of it every time I try to play it. Now I’m at the point that its been so long since I started it, I have zero idea how to play it, and last I knew, there wasn’t…
I don’t really need her to be hyper-sexualized like she was in every other appearance (especially the arcade game), but the Dark Queen really does look nothing like she used to. Maybe this is a prequel and she gets transformed somewhere in the middle of the game?
Christ, what an asshole.
As a fan of tribes, I agree completely
I haven’t forgotten the crass response to EGS exclusivity. If you pledge to support a certain storefront (even if it’s Humble or non-steam) to crowdfunders you should deliver on that promise. Switching up fullfilment for cash money is very uncouth.
Remember when the devs talked shit about their fanbase for completely spitting in the face of Kickstarter backers? I sure do and won't forget either
Well, I hope Orcs Must Die 3 comes to PC eventually, because I love those games.
updates will be slower than what? they’ve basically ignored StW forever so we wont notice if they keep ignoring it :/