
I didn’t get around to reading about the accident until now. I was just going off the James Chen live announcement during EVO, and assumed it was an accident that involved a drunk driver and a direct collision.

I’m fairly certain it’s the lighitng and people are freaking out over nothing
This is her in the movies which this show is a direct follow up to. Her skin tone still seems dark to me.

Personally I think she and her boyfriend should be shot. We have enough humans on Earth as it is. We don’t need to keep killers and robbers alive when innocent people who just want to make a buck are allowed to die.

MS seems to be trying to rid themselves of the XBox. They’ve basically made it so there’s absolutely no point in owning one.

I still can’t quite believe that I wound up feeling so invested in f’ing BJ Blazkowicz. What a game.

Why? Do you hate Caucasians?

Overwatch is $60 on consoles. that price comes with expectations

Lots of negative comments from people who’ve never played the game and are judging it purely by this small clip.

It’s the best new shooter since Wolfenstein, easily. It FEELS like old school Doom - yeah it’s slicker and fancier but the essence of it is very much there.

Nah, we're living in the age of You Will Be Made To Care™!

Of course, but the only “criticism” I’ve ever heard against things like this is that people are grossed out by it, which is not a valid criticism. And any other disputes people have with things like this are not supported by evidence.

Same - I know, right?

Same here. I don’t care about multiplayer in Doom so I am hoping they focused mostly on single player.

Dark Souls 3

No, but repeatedly ignoring a cop and telling him “don’t fucking touch me” is.

This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Fuck street runners. “Oh the road is softer on my feet!” No, I hate you.

I’ve been in the minority of people saying for years that games should publicly shame rage quitters. It’s competitive, it’s a sport. If any athlete misbehaves on the field they can’t hide behind some false ideal of “privacy” in their web connection. You opt out of privacy when you choose to play with others. You rage

It’d be cool if someone who plays and follows fighting games could report on all of this. All the posts on Kotaku make it sound like SFV is a giant, broken, buggy mess when it really really isn’t. Not saying there aren’t some problems but Fallout 4 had lots of early problems and people still gushed about it.
The vast

Capcom has actually been pretty clear and forthright with info for this game. We KNEW ahead of time that the game would be barebones at launch. We KNEW there would be additions coming. This isn’t Capcom lying about on-disc DLC, this isn’t them purposely holding back stuff to sell to us later

Not teaching players how to actually play the game isn’t some inspired design choice.

I think I manage to play through Doom at least once per year. I still find it's raw simplicity immensely cathartic. Not a single function is wasted. Movement is one-to-one, the guns serve clear and unique delivery methods, the enemy feedback is instantaneous and punchy. Nothing feels light, and everything is