
Nice way to fight back. Many of the people on here are CLAIMING to have put the game down, but I guarantee you they are still very much playing it. The thing is, as crazy as it seems, the frustration makes you want to go at it again to get what you want. Bungie is the developer, and they don't have to do anything they

Normally, I'd be annoyed by this. Buuuut, given that this is effectively a nerf to the most annoyingly-overpowered weapon in PvP...I'm gonna say Bungie, you did good, never fix this.

would you listen to yourself? You are playing Destiny at an obsessive level by choice and are mad at Bungie for this? You do not represent everyone. You represent the vocal Destiny minority who pretends that they represent all players. I play Destiny. Often. PvE and Crucible. I still have fun with the game when I

I don't get it. People bitched and complained to no end about the fact that Nightfall and Weekly Heroics had no matchmaking. Bungie listens to the community and makes the change, and now more people are going to bitch and complain.

How about we all stop bitching. Blaming Bungie is easy to do, but you're not helping.

the reason people are so ravenous about the series is that it's one of the few nowadays that provides a fair, but difficult challenge compared to almost every shooter that just amps up difficulty by making enemies unfair 1-shot kills or bullet sponges (Borderlands)

Sometimes Brian, I just don't get where you are coming from at all.

Bungie's problem with having raid matchmaking in-game is that they were worried that casual players would constantly join and drop out of raids, which essentially renders the raids nearly impossible to complete. Sites like DestinyLFG give committed players a medium to come together and form fireteams, where everyone

This is a great tip as well for those playing on the normal difficulties. This is disabled the difficulties after completing the game though— ugh. Lol.

In a show of empathy and solidarity, Dominic Raiola responded by stomping on the game.

This clearly set the tone for people in Matthew Stafford jerseys getting fucked.

By that same token, as much as I loathe this game, if I want to argue games are art I have to be willing to accept that there are some really horrible artists out there.

Nice to see that happening, but Valve failed in the communication department.

Honestly, all of us should have grown up like that kid.

That's my plan, assuming I ever become a parent. I don't want to have my kid be one of those kids who can only appreciate the fanciest graphics and flail incompetently when the game has a fork in the road. I want my potential kid to develop an appreciation the same way I did - By playing the games both new and old,

You and me both.

get off your moral high horse, fucking sanctimonious westerners with their obsession over image.

I want to do this for my future son. I actually would love to build an arcade machine that emulates older systems too so he can play SNES and older ones like a boss.

Letting kids do whatever they want is more problematic than this 'experiment' and that's only a loose explanation for what this was. It was more a parenting style, and it allowed him to experience the history of video games first hand in a similar way that his father had, except over a much shorter time frame. There

I'm sure I will get a lot of hate for this, however I will say this: This is a terribly horrible complaint. Either the weekly rotation was going to include or not include the new strike. If it did not include the new strike, people who bought the dlc were going to feel screwed. If it did include the new strike,

DmC was the only one I liked.