
Those “underlying problems” as you call them, are never going to truly go away. Because that will also take away some or all of the depth of fighting games. Fighting games had a resurgence last gen, and it wasn’t as “good” as the 90s. It never will be, especially in this generation of gamers who’re all about the “now

Learning the fundamentals is the most basic step, of course it takes longer to master them. I lose online, quite often, but I also win my fair share. Will I be able to beat the best? Probably not, but that’s not really the point. Mind you, for certain games (like SF or P4U), I don’t really consider myself good in the

the problem is that it doesn’t take six months to learn the fundamentals.

More consoles so more people can give it a shot = a larger interest, as an already-existing fan wouldn’t be “giving it a shot”, they’d already own it for another console/platform.

gotta say, I’m not surprised by the amount of people going “but I have no time to practice!”, but that’s just a silly excuse imo. From what I’ve seen and played, most fighters have very similar fundamentals. If you learn one of them, you’ll be halfway decent in most of them.

“slowly dying”?

this is Kotaku, unfortunately, they’ll find a way.

sure, and Halo will come to PS4.

Still hoping for some new MKX announcements as well as whatever Capcom has up their sleeve for SFV (supposed to be a character reveal, right?).

Sony and Nintendo never tried to “Apple” their customers.

“Microsoft: Well no but it’s still a good product with lots of unique titles!”

if all game companies these days delayed their games, they wouldn’t be as broken on release as they have been as of late. If anything, most companies are pushing it out the door before it’s ready

let’s ban Wolfenstein too, there ARE Nazi flags in the game.

of course Apple is doing it wrong, it’s kind of what they do.

don’t tell some of these people, JRPGs are apparently indie now.

this. I still need to go back and finish the final chapter of PW...

this is seriously one of the smartest ideas I’ve seen for allowing stuff on there.

I’d be fine with something like that. Hopefully this expands on everything that made Dark Souls 1 and 2 great (though I still want the kick back)

why are changes a bad thing? Isn’t that the point of remaking the game? To update it to modern standards? At the very least, change the combat system, cuz FFVII has awful combat (ATB FTL).

“Bloodborne’s experiment with more random dungeons proves that is the wrong way to go also, the hand crafted areas being more entertaining.”