
Demon’s Souls was published by Sony, as was Bloodborne. Sony owns both IPs, so no reason Demon’s Souls 2 couldn’t be a thing

your own fault for getting it so late into PS3’s lifespan.


I wonder if this means they’ll update the battle system. I hated that game in part because of that.

that was actually pretty awesome. A COMPLETE 180 from Killzone, so many bright colors. This is one of those that makes me happy I have a PS4.

well, this one and Recore anyway. Halo 5 looks like ass, TR looks alright, not much else really caught my attention (though Cuphead looked cool)

uhh, people don’t camp in COD?

it seems like a AAA version of Brutal Doom

Like I just said, the details were known prior to release. So “in the beginning”, it was pretty clear that there wouldn’t be one game lasting 10 years (not to mention, you know, Activision). 10 years is a LONG time to be using the same base of a game, especially for a shooter.

Last gen systems are holding back progress. It’s a catch-22 unfortunately.

huh? you DO realize that the 10 year plan wasn’t for just one game, right? It was a multi-game deal over the spans of 10 years.

V-2 will be this year. It came out in April in Japan.

and that’s not even mentioning Neptunia Victory 2.

still makes me wish Project Deluge was actually a thing

silly question: are there plans for DLC armor?

I knew about SnakeEyes using a pad, but not Smug (you ARE referring to the Dudley player, no?)

I personally dislike the JP voices for the most part (ESPECIALLY Compa and Neptune - which sucks because Neptune is my favorite character in the series).

They DID cut out some subplots and changed the story around, which I admit wasn’t great. Whoever told you that it was barely any voice acting though was wrong. The vast majority of main story scenes are fully voiced.

The PS2 stopped in like 2008. Yes, it still got yearly sports titles for a few years, but nothing worthwhile since Persona 4.