
BACK TOT. Heh, sorry couldn’t resist. The lightning pole is a nice touch. I would have preferred a headmaster edition with the mini being painted with Marty vest colors. Otherwise awesome.

I’m sure they were caught in a flash.

This is going on a list of things that shouldn't be blue. Hint - DONTGOOGLEITYOUKNOWWHATIAMTALKINGABOUTALREADY.

Just off-screen was me farting...I'm not sorry.

This is a cool comparison but...WE'VE BEEN PLAYING MARIO KART 22 YEARS...and I look forward to 22 more :D

Man - The Attack on Frytan. C'mon people!


If this guy has a gf, she must be the real winner.

Wait - Scribblenauts...did they just throw a janitor into a phone booth and turned him into a super hero? Awesome.

Wait wait wait. Ghandi is the Mandarin? Can we get Fing Fang Foom be voiced by Eddie Murphy?

I'm sorry - I misread your comment as Face RIDER. Then I wasn't sorry - just sad that it's not a real game lol :D

Thanks to Walmart, I was able to pre-order the Wii U finally. Thanks to more exposure on Nintendo Land, I now know that will be awesome for my four year old son (but mostly I'm sure me lol)

I don't know about 3DS...but I saw plenty of Ds in this trailer :3

I was confused how money was important to being in China too long....then I realized you were cursing. XD

Already married - now looking for a Galaxy Class starship with Triforce Engines and bridge which separates into Universe's largest nood bowl.

I've already done this with one of our dogs. Easy to transition from "shake" but awesome none the less.

Good god needs more +345498 buttons. XD

If you were in Japan, it'd be perfectly fine to be both at the same time :D

When I used to work at Gamestop, my old manager used to break at least...5-6 controllers a year. Playstation 1/2, Gamecube, SNES, Dreamcast, etc. I'm sure if the controller was out there, he broke it.