With white gloves no less.
With white gloves no less.
Can you provide a link that proves this claim? I've been following the race pretty closely, and I've not seen one peep come out from the right wing about this. If it's true that it's been "confirmed" that her family was involved in the Trail of Tears there is no way they would let it slip by.
Dubious? I thought that it was confirmed she's 1/32 Cherokee. Which is exactly the same as the current tribe Chief.
I've seen it marketed, and blogged, and talked about as a "real look" at what it's like to be a twenty something college grad living in NY. The Jez piece touched on some of it, and a few people in my circle have as well - "oh I so totally feel like this show gets me" type shit.
The fact that he thinks coming out erases all the nasty things he said to me, and the person that he can be regardless of all of the pain from repression, makes me want to not call him back right away.
The first and second were the worst. The. Worst. I had heard that it had finally "hit its stride" and tuned in for the most recent episode, and it's still shit.
I don't "get" it. These are none of the people I see in my daily NY experiences. They are what my friends back home in AZ think it's like.
I watched my third episode of Girls. I tired people, I did. It's really a terrible show. Maybe if it wasn't 30 minutes I would feel invested, but mostly I want each character to fall off a cliff.
What happened?
Mormonism is stranger than fiction. That's why.
Eh, in the OT you can have more than one wife, just as long as you provide for them all equally. But in this case, it's because Joseph Smith (literally, this is why) said so.
I might need to adjust my tinfoil hat, but any study that tells me I need to stuff my face with highly subsidized vegetables and starches makes me skeptical.
Damn! Sorry I'm not closer.
Aww geez! I may have oversold myself! I live in NY. Feed me and I'll travel the Tri-State area =)
All of your last sentence.
What type of "training" do you think they do or don't get?
I would LOVE to be someone personal bra shopper. I loved, really loved my time at Victoria's Secret. I helped another Jezzie a little while ago. Bra shopping, I think is worse than swim suit shopping. It can be so defeating. BUT! When you find a bra that actually fits, holy balls. It's heaven.
It's the design of the bra cup that makes the difference. I wear (in VS) anything from a 36DD to a 34C depending on the style, shape and cut of the bra and the bra cups.
Having been that weird lady with the measuring tape all up in your personal space, I'm skeptical of how well this will work out.