
Had I not heard the interview of the football player accused of rape last week, I would have had the same "uhh, no?" reaction. But in both cases these men were told that they had a better chance of getting on with life if they just plead no contest. In the case of the football player, he had never so much as had a

Congratulation, BabyJane!!

Posh is the celebrity example of "Don't Tell Me To Smile!" It her game face people. Leave it alone.

I sobbed really loud when all the kids started rushing out. I went to inhale to compose myself, and it just came out all gross-cry like.

Good god.

I distinctly remember her cheating in high school English. Or I guess for the blue bloods they called it getting "helped along."

Done and done.

It's because we are still understood as one dimensional. Women cannot be both sporty and feminine. They can only be one or the other. Otherwise it exposes the unstable nature of gender binaries. If a woman can be both a race car driver and sexually appealing there is a problem. To mitigate that problem,

Thank you for sharing this. And I'm at the bottom of my coffee, and found a heart for you.

I don't agree with your assessment about these specific two female athletes. Hope Solo is practically the new Mia Hamm. Hamm also played into the femininity sells crap (Pert Plus commercials anyone?) but she is best known for her athleticism and efforts to build up women in sports. She is a valued contributor during

Good god. That is insane. I might need to go and flip through this issue if that's what's inside.

Nope. I can't hate. We are still struggling to get girls into spots and to stay in sports. Yes, a lot of that has to do with funding at the high school level, but there is still backlash against "sporty" girls because they don't display perfect femininity. Williams and Solo are talented - gifted even, AND beautiful.

I saw this bouncing around the net today too.

There's plenty to dislike McCain over, but to stoop to the lowest common insult - her appearance is just lazy.

*right click - save*

Right?! I've seen what he looks like and he's not the picture of fitness, lets just say that much. And from what I know the standards are pretty clear cut. You are this tall and this age bracket, you must weigh in this range and be able to do all sorts of things.

I just.. that doesn't even make sense?! Sometimes I can see their logic, but the last three years has just been unbelievable.

I'm stoked. No lie. I know the History Channel doesn't actually have history shows anymore, but if all the hours of American Pickers creates enough money for them to bankroll a mini series like the Hatfield's and McCoy's I'll suffer through it.

I'm in a lady-debate group on Facebook that originally started on MySpace, so I've known these girls for nearly 10 years now (odd!). One of them is a pro-life, Obama hasn't done shit for America, I pulled myself up by bootstraps - you can too, kind of woman. I avoid her. Ok, I try to anyway.

Nasty bitchy-ness that will sour anyone's good feelings this Memorial Day.