
As a white guy I think we are woefully inadequate in declaring us the arbiter of hair styles... case in point...

Rich corinthian Amazon basics seating materials. 

Lucid, you got some ‘splaining to do. 

While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.

This is all I see in my head when I hear this song, for 30 years (!) now.

I didn’t think you could make the Cross Cabriolet any WORSE. My god that is an abomination to all of human kind.

I don’t care what horsepower it makes, I’m getting physically ill from looking at those wheels.

Left rear looks 1.5 psi off. Dealership used an Analog gauge.

At lest we had plenty of coverage on a trucker convoy that nobody gave a shit about.

Jalopnik: We hate people with money, cars, trucks and EVs But we love brown stickshift wagons, reposting 7 year old posts and slideshows.

Missing option: Any rental car.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

Manual transmissions are overrated for daily driving.

Looking at their lot design, they really screwed the pooch here. A bunch of the CFAs in SoCal have added extra queue space by carving out some of their parking lot spots, but this one is tiny and there’s nowhere to expand on-site. It’s really short-sited and they should have dealt with this a lot sooner. When you have

In CA, a $1.5M house is just firmly middle class. That isn’t a mansion, it’s a small tract home in LA.

This is what police officers readily do, putting their lives on the line to save others. Pity that a tiny fraction of bad cops on a power trip ruin it for the rest

I lived in FL for a year so I can also corroborate.

Well, it’s an idiot driving a (insert vehicle name here). Note - I grew up in Florida and can verify that this is accurate. 

Look, clearly you have a very narrow understanding of how the world works and that includes the presidency. Trump spent four years courting and empowering authoritarian regimes around the world while simultaneously doing everything he could to damage our own democracy and the strength of allied relationships. It is he

They need those mirrors to see around their mom.