
I’ve been lucky enough to fly on someone’s personal 737 a few times, and it’s amazing. No lines, no TSA, you just walk right on the plane.

See, I don’t get that. I have Zero nudes anywhere, so I have zero fear of any nudes of me getting somewhere they shouldn’t.

That escalated quickly

Hopefully in 50 years our descendants will look back at us as being just as backwards on race and gender issues.

I was a Sophomore in High School when that came out.

I snorted out some evening tea. Thanks for the laugh.

Agreed. I might disagree with his protest, but he absolutely has the right to do so, just like the right people have to burn or walk all over the American Flag in muddy shoes, no matter how much it enrages me. I served for 11 years for their right to do it.

I basically got all these questions when selling a bunk bed on CL. Was exhausting. The car I sold was actually really easy.

You could have just let him look it up somewhere else..

Maybe he should have read the book first ?

Sounds just like Riverside, Ca. When we have earthquakes. Or rain. Or Tuesdays.

Really? And btw, she was the one who came up with the idea.

I actually didn’t question your upbringing, just your intelligence. However someone who wears a shirt that says Fuck You to school probably should have both questioned.

I keep my mind open to alternative viewpoints and enjoy a friendly debate.  These websites are a good place for the viewpoints, not so much for the debate. So many hostile intolerant people not willing to discuss things.

No, I don’t confirm my opinion to those I disagree with, but I do keep an open mind and and I’m more than willing to have an amicable conversation with them. Something which I think a lot of people in this country, including our Congress, has lost.

I got a good laugh out of that, thank you.

By raised right I mean to respect the opinions of others even (and sometimes especially) if i don’t agree with them. To maintain a healthy self-respect without being an arrogant jerk, and to use common sense. If you knew me you’d be very aware I could care less what the herd thinks. As long as the people I choose as

Yes it is. And some days I wonder if we’re better or worse off for it. That’s a very slippery slope.

Where on Earth have I defended racism? I straight out said Nazis are evil and Trump is an orange turd. I’m embarrassed he’s in the White House.  Fine, White Supremacy is evil, the KKK is abhorrent, and racism is stupid. I can’t make it any a clearer. I don’t support Trump, and his speech about Charlottesville made me