“Also, our president is a child that hasn’t taken his ADHD meds.”
“Also, our president is a child that hasn’t taken his ADHD meds.”
No, this isn’t worse. North Korea “might” have the capability to reach the edges of mainland US. with 60 warheads in the kiloton range give or take. The Soviet Union could have blanketed the US with 10,000+ warheads, many of them in the Megaton range. With reprisal shots being fired by the US, we could have been…
Then go back. And by the way, who promised you anything?
I had shoulder surgery a bit over a year ago and I sometimes use edibles to help sleep at night when it acts up on occasion. I started out knowing absolutely zilch about pot (And to be honest don’t know that much more now), but use guides like Leafly, Weedmaps, etc. And of course just browse around on the internet. …
Why is Michael pulling a Trump and grabbing her by the pussy?
They’re a lot faster than most in replacements. Especially with that one as it’s a known issue. You could probably call them up today and if you were polite and lucky, still get a replacement.
That particular keyboard is well known for dead LED’s. Corsair has improved dramatically in the last 2 years in this regard. I used to be a buyer for these and other similar products, and the new K95 is one of the best engineered (and best looking IMHO) KB’s currently out there. They’ve put a lot of $$$ in working…
Been using my K95 since January and no failures. I would consider myself a heavy user as I work from home and game on it.
Man, I actually like Nickleback. MC is just batshit crazy though.
Does he fly the helicopter or does he just let his mustache do it for him?
So the flip side of that coin is your Mom slept with a married guy. Seems like a real peach of a lady.
logged in just to star this.
Yeah, cause no women have ever committed murder.
Yup, that’s my new favorite video. Was no kidding on the floor laughing my ass off.
Where do you buy toilet paper and paper towels then ?
Lol what? That has less than 0% chance of happening.
Just FYI, Obama and most other Presidents have pretty much done the same thing when they take office. Especially if the new President is from the other party.
Just throwing this out there. Obama pretty much did the same thing (and most other presidents as well) when he took office.
Any thoughts on facial steamers?