Has it occurred to you that they're intended for women who are not particularly serious about working out?
Has it occurred to you that they're intended for women who are not particularly serious about working out?
Is this really that mysterious? They arent' actually for women who want to work out hard. They're for women whose primary concern when they're working out is looking sexy, and/or for women who want to wear some athletic-esque outfit and look sexy in it...
When you see it parked in New York Harbor next week, just remember...
Speaking of being "that guy"...
I wonder if the email about Jews that came from the email address Contract Hotel Products came from the guy who runs the only company called Contract Hotel Products.
A/B) So, my original question was "Why would you by a Blu-Ray?" I guess I don't have a problem with people renting Blu-Ray... And I'm not really a fan of buying it digitally either — for real, or Amazon's way. When I think about how I often I rewatch movies, the fact that I would have to rent the Hobbit, in HD, 4.5…
A) Updated: you might have a point about the cost of purchasing the HD digital version, (you do), but the rental HD is $4.99.
The most common reaction to Jose Andres' food — it makes you laugh.
So, the post (and the underlying filing) actually say: ""demand for physical media [is] contracting faster than anticipated."
So, this isn't new. Twenty years ago when I played prep school lacrosse, every team had a couple of kids doing a PG year — they finished four years somewhere else and tacked on fifth year at a boarding school to get another year of lacrosse, in which they would almost certainly be one of the best players on the field…
So, that's a reasonable answer, but I think it's telling that you rent mostly, and it's getting harder and harder to find a place that will rent them — that speaks the economics of the format.
So, back in the day I used to have a pretty big DVD collection... for all of these reasons. And, honestly, I never really watched movies repeatedly... maybe twice... three times if it was really great... I didn't resell them and I didn't share them, though I always thought I would. Sometimes people stole them. And…
Wow, that's kind of insane response. Another guy was like, "Me and my friends are really into movies, so it matters to us!" which is a completely and normal and polite way of saying what you said. But, no, you had to be a dick.
On Amazon, the Hobbit movie is available on Blu-Ray for $22.96, or you can rent it, streaming, in HD, for $4.99.
This is news? Why would you even buy a Blu Ray?
Take it up with Jay-Z. He may well be wrong to do whatever the hell you're accusing him of, but that doesn't make Sterling right. Best case scenario, they're both wrong.
Yeah, so? If your job involves representing your company publicly, you should not do things that reflect poorly on your company. If getting drunk in a club, or expressing support for racists reflects poorly on your company — yeah, you should get shitcanned.
Bingo. That's just it. He got fired for not doing his job. His job is to develop the community — making controversial statements about race is almost certainly not good for the development of the community.
Would you work for a guy who would berate his girlfriend for taking a picture with you? Would you give your business to a person who tells his girlfriend that he doesn't want you (or people who look like you) to come to his place of business?