
That was his story at least. Some of the women tell a different story. They claim they were hired for jobs that were described as non-sex — modeling gigs. But when they showed up, it was like, "OK, hand over your passport and go have 'tea' with that 72 year old man!" At least one of them claims she had to sneak a

The Sultan of Brunei pulled it off for decades, snagging models and pageant winners.

Or maybe he was just after her social security number, passport and personal details.

If they just explained that they were honoring the black players by calling them niggers, it would be okay.

Agreed. Brian McCann and his self-appointed sheriff of baseball routine is the entire problem. I just don't see him caring. If he's bold enough to attack a player in the baseline after a homerun, no rule change banning legitimate plate collisions is going to deter him from more violence.

To be fair, sometimes he waits until they cross homeplate before he attacks for no reason. That was pretty ballsy, even for a shitbag like McCann.

This angle better?

I agree. McCann really is the perfect villain.

Brian McCann don't care.

Because soccer. They know they can get away with it. Deadspin will write outraged posts about this and then will breathlessly cover the World Cup and readers will lap it up.

Putin is much scarier than Qatar. You're allowed to report on this shit in Qatar. Or, at least you don't get shot dead in the street for it. It is a country of laws, even if they suck. The Olympics are a far bigger sham.

Who cares? Didn't we just show that we don't care if the politics are terrible, even if there is a terrible human cost (not to mention a cost to the quality of the athletics)?

A) No, because it is the most widely used. And they have a handy styleguide which almost every journalist has at least one copy of.

Wow, that'd be a fucked up thing if he's so used to hitting women that he is completely casual about it. That should not be grounds for discussion. EVER.

AP Style Guide says: radar.

So, my original question still stands — why the fuck is he so casual?

Here, this is the only thing that matters, and something you should have said days ago:

Ohhhhh, so now you WANT to add context, and it's NOT just a thought exercise.

It's still a bunk question, with no fruitful answer.

That's a pretty difficult Pandora's Box to open.