
I'm reluctant to give a reason because you don't seem to be a person worth taking seriously. And I'm not being a jerk, you seem like an obtuse person who is willfully ignoring the point.

Indeed, your mistake. Glad we all understand you're a fucking idiot.

Also, chances are, you will have children at some point and you will be sorry for every time you judged people doing their best to control children who are too young to understand.

Considering that was probably the worst blown call in recent memory — it was spectacularly blown and representative of everything wrong with the replacement refs... yes.

Getting pussy in a bar is a good reason to do things. I'm just not sure "I went real deep, and then came back up" is the pussy-magnet-machine you think it is.

You need not go on because you totally missed the point. Don't worry about it, kid.

I think you can make a fairly objective and reasoned argument that this is an activity with a high level of risk and cost for low level of potential reward. There are plenty of activities that I don't do that are expensive or boring or dangerous sounding but nearly all of them have some return better than "made it

Three? I only saw two.

Call someone who cares.

It most certainly did not. Why would you think it did? Are you stupid? What's your favorite celebrity vodka?

Why would you think that? Are you an idiot?

Clearly this post went over your head.

People dumb enough to find Shaq's vodka desirable are also dumb enough to worry about gluten.

Free diving is so stupid.

Don't worry, I'm sure McCann is fuming in his minivan in some Chili's parking lot somewhere about all of the unwritten rules of making-a-wish that BatKid broke.

Over here?

Maybe someone cares about your half-assed analysis. I don't.

You sound like a moron. Learn how subsidies work, come back and talk to the adults.

So... your point is that for people who like living in a brutal suburban hell filled with terrible people... this was a great move?

That's how bad the Braves are.