Milla is a far worse actress, and Emily Blunt was blocked by her contract otherwise she would have been Widow (as she was their first choice).
Milla is a far worse actress, and Emily Blunt was blocked by her contract otherwise she would have been Widow (as she was their first choice).
Helen Mirren, + weapons = success.
Person of Interest is fully Batman, the Riddler and Brainiac solving crimes.
I think what's being ignored is the aesthetics of the drink... or the experience. I'll argue wine will never make you an angry drunk, it's always a mellow drunk... and the bitter, mule kick of tequila will put you in a fighting mood. Sure one is a better alcohol delivery system but equal quantities of each that…
Funny that going from That 70's Hair in Star Wars to Blade Runner was such a jump at the time. Now looking back at Harrison's "weird" buzzcut, it's like the most basic men's haircut today.
Greatest skit ever.
It's pretty common practice in Brazil for the rich to have their own security, so this is very plausible.
While I'm not sure I'm keen on Zack's take on Supes, I think keeping the aesthetic is the way to go... otherwise it's almost another reboot. Plus a Nolanish Bats would transition to that fairly easily.
But the cynicism is sort of ready made in that here's a hero, doing heroic things, and still is in doubt of himself and by the public. Look at a "real world" response to someone doing awesome things... Iron Man, who in turn becomes a rock star. Here Superman is enemy #1 for what, being an alien? Being heroic and doing…
Needs more Sif. And Darcy in boob armor if we're taking requests.
It better not be an hour and a half of twee short focus shots and moping rushing to a boss fight, otherwise I have to say this looks pretty good.
It was a bad idea to fashion Green Lantern after Iron Man, but it would be a good idea to make a Wonder Woman movie like Thor.
I can never get enough concept art... either movie comps or just artwork.
I wouldn't mind it but my money's still on a GotG reference of some kind. This sounds like subterfuge, although I'd still enjoy it if it's true.
Trust me they'd never go with the energy shield. It's hard to say what influences what since Sam Jackson was in the Ultimates first so... it'll always be a two way street. You wouldn't have Harley Quin in the comics if it weren't for BTAS. I think they'll update all the costumes subtly, Cap's could use a few…
That's what I'm thinking is Winter Soldier is going to have a more "Agent of SHIELD" look to the uniform and Joss will have a more traditional one. Hopefully with some scale armor on it. Overall I didn't hate the Avengers one but it could use some work. Widow could use some work too since she only used glocks and…
I think the main problem is directors and studios try to rush things without planning, and digital allows you to crank something out at the 11th hour. Practical takes time, and is more cost effective, but you need to have an idea way way ahead of time... like Del Toro usually does.
<insert random horror franchise in space>