HW1 was '99, HW2 2002
HW1 was '99, HW2 2002
You can play totally for free. Takes about 2 days of gameplay to get the tokens to get a random hero, or 3-4 to save up and get the exact character you want. Deadpool and Squirrel Girl are probably the two most powerful characters in the game, btw.
Having just put in a few hours, I can say there are modestly few Hulks and Wolverines, and a much higher quotient of Squirrel Girls.
Having rewatched S7 I cut Ezri more slack. I just thought the forced relationship with Bashir was lame, and trills in general wouldn't come back to the same job or same station, that was against their basic philosophy. She became substitute Dax and by comparison she doesn't stack up to Terry.
A manic pixie dream trill
Generally DVD sales are gravy, I doubt brisk sales would make it bankable for sequels. It sucks because I completely wrote it off, heard good things, and it was out of theaters before I could catch it in 3D. Seeing it in 2D worked fine, I think they spent too much converting it rather than advertising it. Hopefully…
I'm rather partial to this one.
Dunno if you've listened to the soundtrack. It's like John Carpenter mixed by NIN.
To be fair, they never had a "discussion" with Affleck since there's no script. They showed him some storyboards and he was busy but never said yes or no. They'd be smart to sign him for big cash, the storyboard-driven Argo is proof he knows exactly how to tell a graphic novel level story with gravitas.
Well if there's an award for the "play" in cosplay, he deserves one.
It's from UFO.
Ben Grimm is my all time favorite Marvel hero. Damn Yancy Street crumb bums. As a kid I'd always get pissed that the Hulk could mop the floor with him. Ron Perlman would make the perfect Thing, but he's already playing pretty much the same character with Hellboy, minus the Brooklyn accent. Too bad there's almost no…
Challenge accepted. RIP Mr. Gerry Anderson, absolute hero fuel for my tot mind.