
Slumdog Halo, this sounds awesome.

That snowbike is rad. Although, your hands will freeze off in a minute.

Supposedly there's going to be a trailer before Oblivion on the 19th.

Thank you. Jesus, the hand-wringing over this borders on trolling.

He really was the first film critic rock star, but was downt to earth making everyone feel like discussing film and having an opinion was important. I'll never forgive him for dissing Blade Runner (of course I would, he later recanted but still couldn't say "replicant", he still pronounced it repli-kont). He could be

Mother from Alien

Agreed, the deleted Cap scenes would have added a lot but there's only so much you can do in 2 hours.

Yes, please.

I think a GoT approach is a little weird but agree the Fraction run will probably have a factor on if they'll consider it.

On tonight's episode of White Fanboys Whining About Black Panther While Ignoring The Article, we'll hear fun ideas like:

Literal scene chewing. It's been a long time since I've seen this, and I forgot the awesome Richard E Grant was in this too. Must rewatch.

I wouldn't classify Nolan's messy, overly-complicated-to-seem-complex, clumsy storytelling as vapid... and the grim realism hardly qualifies as beautiful either. Pfister and Nolan are both very good but not spectacular visualists.

I forgot about Tom Waits brilliant scene chewing in this, and Hopkins doing a Hannibal Van Helsing.

The mattress one was genius.

Bile + Caps Lock = serious bizness.

A pissed off heavily armed raccoon is going to be seriously, ridiculously awesome. Just look at the lil guy, I can't wait.


I look at it completely differently. GotG is pretty much a sure sign Marvel's willing to expand anywhere in their universe... Dr. Strange and Panther will get their movies. There's rumors of an Inhumans movie and a new Fraction run so I don't think those characters got shut out.

Definitely Falcon, looking pretty military. And that has to be Winter Solider, he looks like he might have a mask on in the Cap punch image.