
Must find the world's biggestest screen to see this on.

What's most impressive is that Haldeman wrote this in '71.... 5 years before Apocalypse Now, the 70's Body Snatchers, or Dead Zone... before it was okay to criticize the war in pop culture, or really examine the insanity of the cultural rift it left. I mean, the troops were still there til '73. But as you said, it

I worked with a chef in a kitchen who was in nam and heard a few horror stories... like being small and skinny he was sent into tunnels where vipers were tied to stakes with the heads being just above water level (the tunnels were usually half flooded). A few drinks and that guy was not right. Mental anguish, culture

Default grumpy response.

Okay, had to google it. Thank you.

Wasn't Garth an ex-Starship Captain or Admiral? Not sure I see how that would help him do any doctoring.

Now playing

Andrew Robinson wrote a book about Garak? Sold. Or kindled, rather.

Having just re-watched Space: Above & Beyond, which was loosely based on Haldeman's novel, I'd highly recommend the book to fans of war allegories in space (correction, FUBAR war stories in space) where social issues are brought up nonchalantly as part of the background. Much in the same way mixed sex dressing rooms

What I don't understand is that both Nolan and Snyder realize they need to make Supes the key iconic character for JLA to succeed... and then redesign the costume in such a clunky way. It baffles me.

Absolutely. Hathaway was the only person in TDKR that seemed to be actually enjoying themselves in their role.

I honestly thought that was a split screen.

For some reason I read "Jeffrey Tambor" instead of Jeffrey Bell for SHIELD and thought that would be an amazing addition. I dig Arrow because Oliver DOES kill people, fictional grunts mind you, and doesn't pussyfoot around. He's nuts, but so is Batman. The action is well handled, well edited and uses sound to great

Is that Legolas's evil twin? The one who doesn't skateboard on shields.

A dino lazer light show is a dollar well spent.

We know what's going to happen at that temple.

All I ask is for some damn Sentinels.

I remember renting this on VHS with extremely low expectations and kept going... "wait, this is kinda cool."

I have to say, the editing on this show is pretty damn good. No clunky aim and pull... quick cuts so every projectile seems deadly. Acting can get a little cheesy but it's fun. Also very much enjoying these SuperSnark® reviews.

Cyborg had all of Van Damme's tropes... kickpunching a tree/log/mast into submission... obligatory rain fight. It even had a precursor to Looper's Blunderbuss. Truly a worthy addition to CyFi history.