
yes yes yes. and as the article points out, you suspend her for simply speaking her truth and pointing out the hypocrisies of these scum, but yet you allow someone, who arguably has the most powerful position in the world right now, to systematically abuse and attack others, calling for their firing, and even

He keeps talking about how he wants a second chance, ignoring the fact he’s had a million second chances to not sexually assault women, but here we are.

The McGowan suspension is just an example of the larger problem with free speech in the United States. Americans are conditioned to think of free speech as how far you’re willing to go to protect white supremacist terrorists (i.e. the right of the KKK to march on a town) and not how far you’re willing to go to protect

US education law is a byzantine mess at best and due to reforms brought on by unionization it can be nearly impossible to sanction or fire a teacher in some districts, let alone revoke their license. So he likely wasn’t teaching during those two years, but that’s how long it took to get through the bureaucratic red


In Oakland, a 16 year old sex-trafficked girl went to the cops for help. They sexually abused her. Something like 11 different cops. A lot of people started talking about how she was raised and how unethical she was. But not a word about how the cops were raised, how unethical they were, or how it’s them who should

Why? It has worked for abuse of women for centuries!

there are a lot of survivors out there with PTSD that are having a really tough go of the Trump presidency. Knowing that we have a perpetrator in chief, and that millions of your neighbors knew exactly who he was and elected him anyway, is really, really hard to handle when you’ve got PTSD on your plate, even if

These stories of women speaking up and sexual assulat need to go public on a constant basis. Thats the only way society will change. And it will change. I’ve never seen so much conversation about women speaking up before. The google thing, hollywood, politics, women are speaking up everywhere more than anytime in

I’d never heard of him until your reply. This is the third google entry on him:

I’ve had at least some sort of varying degrees of sexual harassment at 90% of the jobs I’ve held. Large companies and small, non-profits, marketing, retail, etc. It’s ranged from just the slightly creepy co-worker that looks at you a little too long to being kissed and groped at a work event, more than once at

Whatever. She knew all of those starlets weren’t wearing her designs for nothing. She stayed because she got something out of it and for looking the other way. She was complicit.

The really fucked up thing is...the piece of shit was right. He is invincible. TC didn’t kick his ass. He didn’t even say his name. Whoever the shithead is, he completely got away with it, and he probably gets away with it all the fucking time.

Yep like Terry said, it’s like I’m feeling ptsd.... I spent the day thinking of all the times I’ve been violated... and it freaked me out... the first time I was 4 (right before kindergarten) and my grandma’s best friend’s grandson (7 or 8 yrs old) decided to randomly pull his pants down bend over and show me his

It is becoming crystal clear that this behavior in Hollywood is so common that this person thought he could go up to a man who could clearly kick his ass and grab his privates AND get away with it. He probably knew that Terry was aware of how it would look (240 lb black man beats up Hollywood honcho.... like he said

It was a punch in the gut and a slap in the face. It felt like being victimized all over again. A confirmation of everything I had told myself about why I didn’t pursue charges, why I didn’t speak up, why I internalized my hate.

Literally #yesallmen. Seriously I doubt there is one guy onthis planet by a certain age who hasnt made some trangression against women. And if some haven’t, I feel like its only because they didnt get the opportunity/power/money/environment etc. to do some minor and major transgression. So honestly if there’s one

If he were Republican he’d be President.

Unfortunately, even then he wouldn’t be. The conviction rate for rape and sexual assault is incredibly low, and even lower for attacks that don’t leave visible injuries. For 99.4% of rapes, the perpetrator doesn’t go to jail or prison. Unlike the people who get to walk for most other crimes, that 99.4% isn’t all men

Of the men contacted, including Quentin Tarantino and Michael Moore, none responded.