
I just recently have done this. I'm hoping it pays off. I'm definitely busier now, and the day flies. Which means I don't have to think about how I don't like my job every minute of every day. (Except for right now, when I saw this article...*le sigh*)

Let's see. My primary computer is a Dell Dimension 4600 Pentium IV, 2.8 Ghz, 4GB RAM. 250 SSD HD, nVidia 7950 video card. Runs Linux Mint Nadia using MATE. Pretty snappy, if I do say so myself. I just acquired a Dell Vostro 200, Core Duo 3.4Ghz, 4 GB RAM, and a Dell Pentium I. Runs Windows 95 (lol). My husband's

Darn. You got me all excited. I thought there was a finally a Chipoodle's app for Android phones :-(

This sucks. I use TweetDeck every day on my phone & tablet, sometimes desktop. I know at least 90% of my company uses it on their mobile devices, as well. This is gonna hurt.

I like to brush up on my Linux skills on my old computers. Very rarely do I get rid of them. I just recently was given an old Pentium 1 64MB RAM. I know it's not worth anything, but it's worth it to me if I can get the thing up & running with some sort of OS on it and then see what it can do...

lol. There's an area in Austin that's similar. I've seen the same thing....except it's usually an older man in a BMW, Mercedes, or other expensive vehicle. The first time I ever saw some idiot pull this was in Houston. He almost hit someone. (Yes it was a 'he' and he almost hit me) From this point on, I call this

Not very original, but my network is called 'skynet'

Guess I'm going to have to stock up on blank MD's. I love my recorder. Even though I have a digital recorder I think the sound is a bit better on the MD.

I much prefer to be alone, or hang out with the people I already know. I almost freeze up when in situations where I have to do small talk, or there is no one I know...

I never used nzbs. I just searched and found what I wanted, and it never took too long, nor did I have any problems downloading the stuff. I have noticed recently, like in the past three weeks there are more rar's that aren't complete, and more fake stuff.

I haven't but my husband did. He thought he was texting his little brother in Seattle, but transposed two of the numbers. He and some guy were texting back & forth for some time talking about the playoffs before they both realized they didn't know the other one. I laughed hysterically at that one.

Worked great. Now I have to find an album I like :-)

An awesome post. I feel similarly. Yes, it's frustrating that I'm willing to pay for an item and I cannot find it, due to whatever restrictions they think will help keep down piracy.

VOTE: Audacity

I have lots of cassettes that need digitizing. They're not stuff that one could buy. Stuff recorded live. Bought a high-end cassette deck for $5 at a garage sale, and am using my digital recorder and to digitize these tapes.

Depends on how fast the connection is, how big the file is and if one knows how to extract the file (if one needs to extract a .rar/zip file) Otherwise I totally agree with you. :-)

I bought this router a couple of months ago, put TomatoUSB on it and love it. I love the USB ports added to it. I plugged in my printer, and now love that I can print from anywhere using Google Print. Highly recommended router.

I bought this router a couple of months ago, put TomatoUSB on it and love it. I love the USB ports added to it. I plugged in my printer, and now love that I can print from anywhere using Google Print. Highly recommended router.

I've been using a Roku box on one TV and on the other an HTPC (Acer Revo)

mmmm. Steeeeaaakkk. I'm definitely going to try this, since I don't have a grill handy.