
@erichg14: They know that. Instead of making it painful, they make it simple, so in the future when trying to cancel with another company you'll think fondly back on T-Mobile, and may consider them for a future cellphone provider :-)

That thing isn't a phone, it's a mini-tablet....

I've never liked iTunes when I did use it under Windows. Now that I'm using Ubuntu, I'm up for trying other media players out. I used to love Amarok, but now that that they've changed everything in the 2.x series, I can't stand it. I'm still searching around for something I like.

@Chris: If all movies/TV shows etc could be streamed then priacy would go down by quite a bit probably because it'd be easier & faster to stream than downloading it, then unpacking it, maybe sticking it on a disc or set it up in a media center to watch...(Piracy will never go away, but I'm sure making everything

@SAThorn: Yes, I believe it does include BT.

@sobolosrios: I'm laughing too..and crying because I deal with situations like this Every. Day. At. Work. And I'm not even in a computer tech position.

I don't think this lady's all that old, actually, Maybe 40's or 50's...I deal with people like this on a daily basis of all ages who just aren't all that computer savvy. I'm sure they're all great people, but when dealing with tech stuff I just want to bash my head against my keyboard...

Huh. Why not just rent the movie from the likes of Netflix/blockbuster/borrow from library, etc then rip it. No hassle, no concerns of being discovered...not that I've ever done anything like this...just a suggestion...

@Tightlines: I'd love to have a radio in my Nexus One. It means I wouldn't need to carry around my little Sansa Fuze any more. There are a couple of stations I listen to—one in the morning, and one in the evening. One of the stations has an app for my phone which is awesome—and I use it all the time, but the other

@Keltslash: No, I don't think you're wrong. I've heard from others it does work..I don't use 802.11n so I'm not sure. It should be supported in FroYo when it's officially released, though.

@VS Dude: That would be wonderful. I've yet to use amazon for a rental, but I will at some point since some of their newer releases are cheaper than TWC's on demand new releases.

@hmphargh: Did you do a manual upgrade to FroYo? I have that problem with some apps. Epicurious originally was not showing up, but it now is, but vRecorder which should be in the market does not show up. (unless it's been removed..?)

I've been there. It's a weird building, but kinda cool at the same time. I loved the stained glass windows.

@robo: Yes, but that could, perhaps make the person/people next to you want to move—if the plane isn't full, that is—then you'll get the full row to spread out in (can't say I've ever tried this, but I sure thought about it on more than one occasion...)

@crmurray04: I'd use it if there was one for my Nexus One. Not so much for movies, but for TV shows definitely.

Hey! That'd be great...only if AT&T had not introduced their caps..TODAY too. Obviously they knew this was coming...

That was fun. Here's mine: