Wtf, this is the same game as last year... to the core.. I really enjoyed Black Flag too. I would have loved to see this as DLC but not another game all together..
Wtf, this is the same game as last year... to the core.. I really enjoyed Black Flag too. I would have loved to see this as DLC but not another game all together..
They nailed atmosphere. Thats what I came away with. Atmosphere that felt on pare with Dead Space. In the best way. The gunplay was meh. The story was meh. But honestly it just felt really really creepy.
The branding is really really nice. need to know who did it.
This was honestly the best game i played on the ps3. Sure I own it on steam.. but the controller really doesn't work wonders for this game and sitting back on the couch for a few hours with the music up is one of the best ways to play this game/start a rave.
edit* any word on if you bought this for the ps3 if it will…
I am not a sports guy. I just learned how to play FIFA last month and I've been gaming for 23 years. NFL Blitz is so fucking fun. Why havn't they brought back that series.. someone buy it up or something plzz.
Criterion really nailed the drift in Hot Pursuit. You felt like you were going fast, the hit boxes were forgiving but not unforgivable. But coming out of a perfect drift in Hot Pursuit was so satisfying. I would argue that this is the last one in the series that wasn't 'stiff and unresponsive' but the last few…
Just want this with Hot Pursuit driving. Would be perfect. Hated hated hated Watch Dogs driving.
I have a Mondo poster back home. I love love love the quality of their stuff and it's encouraging to see them branching off into other forms of art.
edit: nvm, dont listen to me.
Interesting that the TV division is closing. To be honest, with the way Microsoft was being run until 3 months ago, I would have imagined this would happen to the games division and not the TV(if this had happened 3 months ago). Seems like they are only focusing on games at this point. For better or for worse.
I would watch it. Gives a good name to 'Deadliest Storm'.
preach it santa.
This is the kickstarter(if they were to do one) that I would get behind.
So i havn't played a single MOBA. I kind of been wanting to give it a try so give me recommendations on where to start..
They won me over with the alpha. Really excited for this game. Can't come soon enough.
HA, didn't even notice the thread date. Somehow this was on the main splash page for me. Whatever. Play what you wanna play man.
Tanks are balanced. And thats coming from someone who kills them and uses them equally. If a team if getting mowed down it's because they aren't using the tools they have available to them from the get go. Titanfall's mechs, and it's been stated before, are actually giant targets. You can mow people down sure, but its…
Can someone explain to me if No Man Sky is exclusive to Ps4 or not?
The second Transformers movie was the first time I wanted to leave a theater because of how awful absolutely everything was. Let me cushion this by saying I saw the first one I actually enjoyed it. The third was okay. The being said Michael Bay lost almost all of my respect as a director when he gave the okay for the…