
Sick of hearing about you complaining about this game. It looks solid to me. Looks like it plays the same. The character is just as corny and punk as before. You're complaining for the sake of complaining. And its annoying. You are a single fan in the industry. You are not entitled to anything. You shouldn't feel like

Its just hard to take Archaotic seriously when 90% of what he talks about is just critical of everything. When you build a reputation like that its hard not to read everything he says in a dickish tone.

I liked Black Op's single player. I will say though, after playing Battlefield for 6 months now...this engine needs the boot. So much awesome in this trailer but I too many parts of it where textures just look flat and ick.

No you don't. Amnesia worked just fine. The game was the 'story' and the tension. You didn't need to kill anything to feel like you accomplished anything. Extended stealth sequences is just fine. As long as you know what you were getting yourself into.

I love designing this stuff and handing it off to you guys to see what you can do.

....should work the other way around since these guys came out loooooooong before LOST was even a thought.

This is painful to watch an a motion graphics design. but still very informative and awesome. Like my heart seriously drop when he was explaining the fill tool. Interesting stuff nontheless

Ass creed is what I call it regularly. Not that it's bad. It's just more fun to say

Thank you. I see this guys name come up way to often.

Not enough brown for you? lol

This. This is funny.


Its sad that you think it really matters that much.

Havn't played a DMC game in my life, but I am going to chine in and say this. A game the functions at 60 fps vs a 30 fps doesn't make it faster or slower gameplay wise. Visually a lot of people can't even tell the difference. A good percentage of people don't have eyesight that updates that fast. No.

But (to me) it didn't make sense. It basically said "Yea everything you just did didn't matter. Everything still sucks"

I wish I cared about Kingdon Hearts after....Halfway through KH2. I absolutly loved the first one. Played the shit out of it. Chain of Memories was alright but started to get confusing. And 2 just lost me about half way through and I honestly was completely lost. Which really saddens me. I have no idea what was going

welcome to the western world.

Thought Uncharted 3 did that

Get over it.

I've worked with both String AR and Qualcomm. String required a card/black box. Qualcomm did not. In other words I've seen this before. My office would augment different parts of the office and would hide different augmentations with different objects. Like a picture of dogs would augment out a phrase like "Nick is