No red hot chilli peppers. I is sad
No red hot chilli peppers. I is sad
@Madeira: hehe. that made me giggle.
@Chicken Pawks: Your the reason why robots will take over the world. lol
@VincentGrey: "Go on Milo. Kill them. Kill them all."
@Kamakazie: Naptown, MD....annapolis
@Phantom5800: I work at a naval base and the prices on base are a solid 30-40 cents cheaper
those are some redonkulous gas prices
only reason im buying kinect is for the video chat. Could go buy the 30$ camera, but thats no fun...
@JaysG: this is why i love kotaku
I never played Red Fraction. But beyond the fact that its set in the universe, it doesn't remind me ANYTHING of the what I've seen of Red Fraction. Idk, just seems awkward compared to what I've seen of Red Fraction.
@Bipolar.Bear.Disorder: Except Red Dead Redemption is a Sequel, not much of one but still a sequel. I think it would be better to say Grand Theft Auto Four to any other Grand Theft Auto. Same mechanics. Think its better than you red dead metaphor becasue quite frankly they completely changed the mechanics of the whole…
@P4KO: Artists decision. Doesn't need to follow the guidelines. He also doesn't look like hes 80 years old lol
@ARYXANDRE: That sir, is racist
Really doesn't look half bad. I got into World of Warcraft but I got to bored grinding after 2 months. wasn't very fun.
@Bubbleman! Is going to Japan NEXT MONTH!: Reported on this about a year ago
Meh, I approve I guess.
Remember when Valve was studying sign language? Maybe this could mean something...? Anybody? eh?
@skaven: Poor bald man :[
Buffalo Soldier for the win. PLayed as him allll the time when I played RDR back in the day
If only this game would actually be good. I dispised Fable 2. What a total let down.