
My first computer was a Tandy TRS 80. Had to load games from TAPE. ACTUAL CASSETTE TAPES. It was like brushing your teeth with rocks.

Man, that stuff about the Turtles remake and your wife made me cry.

My Shepard was named Pie. Pie Shepard.

I use 'right click/define' like 10000 times a day. Seriously BIG advantage over a windows machine.

The Gameboy SP was so brilliant and simple in it's design… Remember when the DS was supposed to be Nintendos' 3rd pillar? hahah, yeah, okay Nintendo.

VI was the BEST Final Fantasy. I remember going to EB games in the mall to buy it when I was 17-ish. For some reason they charged me over $80 for it, (which was high for SNES games, I figured maybe it was a larger memory size for the cart or something). I probably put over 100 hours into it, would do it again if

My first date with my wife was at an IHOP!

I *LOVE* the "Well I wear a fedora and a trench coat, but I'm totally cool and not creepy, because I can pull it off" comments. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I wasn't gonna, but saw your comment so I did. Thanks.

Hahaha, I hope hackers have better things to do besides making my lights blink on and off.

I'm in the Tampa bay area, and yes absolutely has it been down into the 30's a few nights. We've had the heat on, albeit rarely. Not enough for any of this to matter IMHO. We've had temp swings of 30 degrees between days; turning the heat on at night, an the air conditioner on the next day.

Aaaand none of this is useful for people condemned to live in Florida. High temps are going to be between 75-80 for the next few days. Saving $ and turning the AC down (temp up), would negate everything on this list. :(

Optimus had a 'energon' axe that came out of his arm that he used on the original cartoon once or twice. (Actually I think only once). The masterpiece Optimus primes come with the axe as an accessory too.

*A new special edition 3DS featuring Kirby with the new Kirby game preinstalled.
*A new 2D Metroid on the 3DS with a 3D gimmick ala the last LoZ.
*Mario 3D World DLC.
*New Final Fantasy game for Wii U. (May or may not be an enhanced port of XIII-3.
Personal wish:
*Official Blue ray Movie payback support for

HAHAHA oh god I forgot all about that.

I used to sit on the floor 10 inches from the TV with the game running through my parents stereo turned up as loud as it could handle while I struggled through this game. Good times. I used to do the same thing with Extreme G.

What about Lifehackers previous recommendation to 'align' the SSD partitions properly?

Jesus christ that's awful! The fact that so many people would coordinate that kind of torture and put so much effort into it... That really damages my faith in humanity.

Nintendo doesn't sell consoles at a loss. Nintendo has HUGE cash reserves due to the Wii and DS. Nintendo will NOT go the Sega route because they can ride this out. Nintendo can afford to fumble a generation (or two), as they have in the past. (If they really were desperate, they could always make a full blown