
Early in my marriage the Gamecube just came out and I wanted it really bad. I couldn’t afford it at the time, so my new wife made me a gamecube out of cardboard. It was cute, she made an orange second controller and everything.

My first PC build was a 166Mhz processor with 24 megs of RAM. (It was replacing a 486 DX2). There have been a dozen more after that, not counting working in a corporate environment on HW. I’ve never used anti-static gloves, I think they are bullshit. Maybe if you are walking around in socks on shag carpet scraping

I haven’t had any of these problems. Paranoia did make me get a screen protector, BUT I think as long as I’m aware of it I can avoid sliding the screen against the plastic as long as it’s placed in there carefully.

Cool, thanks!

I’ve not been able to find out for sure, but do Bluetooth headphones work with the Switch? My internet searching hasn’t turned up any definitive info about that.

I’ve not been able to find out for sure, but do Bluetooth headphones work with the Switch? My internet searching hasn’t turned up any definitive info about that.

I *LOVE* me some super Nintendo, but these look more like Wonder Bread Sneakers...

Rumor is the Nintendo Switch will be getting a version of this called Pokemon Stars... So good guess!

I normally NEVER preorder anything, but I had to preorder RockBand Rivals (digital DLC nonetheless) because I wanted the 10 bonus songs, (which I think is bullshit). Last preorder before that was for Final Fantasy III, (really 6) for the SNES.

I feel like that was either some kind of mind control initiation, or I have epilepsy.

You know, if they weren’t such babies about it, and kept the games on steam, (or even had another distribution method), they might make a little bit of $ off of people buying some of their games because they are so shitty. Maschocists and people that think it’s funny/a challenge to get through it etc.

Now we just need to work on getting Beck out.

These are crazy times we live in.

Wait, can Robots, er, Transformers, even cry? I mean I get that they are living robots and all of that, but... water and electronics don’t mix man.

Something like Sonic Advance for consoles would be pretty awesome...

I’d love to play this game. I loved Tomodachi life on the 3DS, but this game refuses to run on my non-jailbroken phone. I jailbroke a 5s years ago, and I guess a file from it carried over to my 6+, but the game just crashes when I start it. Not cool Nintendo. Not Cool.

I’m gonna predict it will be delayed again. September. :| Hope I’m wrong though.

That was amazing.

I’ve got a commemorative edition He-Man and a Skeletor with panthor in unopened in boxes from 1999/2000 (I think.) I’ve debated opening them forever but haven’t. Thinking I might sell them towards a masterpiece transformer.