
What a fantastic read! This seems silly on the surface, but then you realize how people's lives have been touched (not too mention the fun those stuffed fellas must've had on their vacations) and you...*sniff*... fight back the tears...*sniff*...

I just have something in my eye...*sniff*...

I really enjoyed Mirror's Edge. It's been awhile since I played it but I seem to remember not liking the end of the game (just a boss battle after all). Other than that, loved the rest.

I would just like to point out that Lord of the Rings Online should be added to the (short) list of successful MMO launches.

What difference does it matter if Apple cut them a special deal on iPads? They still spent $1 BILLION on iPads and infrastructure. That's tax payer money. And for an official to call this a civil rights issue is just political grandstanding to deflect from the real issue—incompetency with the people's money.

Yes! 1000 times Yes!

Certainly they are athletes from a legal-/visa-ish standpoint. I was simply referring to the general consensus that they are not in superior physical condition in the traditional way we typically describe athletes.

Athletes? No. Extremely skilled players? Absolutely.

Teaching one's children about the proper use of firearms is responsible but is also up to the parents to determine if that is the appropriate course of action for their children. Some kids (talking all the way up to age 17) are just not equipped to handle firearms, but some are. Parents need to decide. With that said,

Sadly nobody in the media understands that correlation does not equal causation. And most people who read the news don't understand that either.

The hardcover book costs $1k? Is it bound in gold?

An announcement of an announcement. These are always fun. #ThingsThatArentFun

Mistress of Wet

ROFL! I about pissed myself when I read that. :)

I've used Razer and Logitech mice for years. Razer has some longevity issues. They just seem to stop working after a few months of intense use. Logitechs are like energizer bunnies. Their construction is top notch and I love the way they bevel their buttons—makes finding them in quick situations simple.

I find it disgraceful that Haniver was subjected to this type of disgusting behavior. I know Microsoft wants this kind of abuse to end. Here's hoping the new reputation system helps. Young boys need to mature and grow up.

Why do I have to unlock characters? Hate that.

As someone who plays MMOs I absolutely love the Logitech G600. I tried the Naga but it just stopped working about 2 months in. The buttons on the G600 feel better than the Naga imho.…

Personally I love the rise of eSports. It's like our [gamers] version of golf.

You had me at, "I'm a dragon and I have a jetpack."

Mike. Are you not excited about IC because it's a MOBA and you're tired of that genre or is there something fundamentally flawed with the game in particular?

Much respect to the beard.