While I could care less about Pikmin 3...Miyamoto is just making excuses.
While I could care less about Pikmin 3...Miyamoto is just making excuses.
Geez. Pathetic. If the woman wants to make a video...let her. If she wants to raise 6k to do it...let her. She's not infringing on anybody's personal liberties in this project. Freedom means allowing people to discuss ideas that differ from others. If you don't like this, don't give her money and don't watch the video…
Here. Take my money.
I wish the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed III was actually a female character to begin with. No desire to play anything on the Vita.
Cool! I'll keep an eye out for this one.
So the government stepped in to prop up a business entity in the hopes it might succeed? Kind of like how Obama stepped in to prop up GM and Chrysler. Or how Bain Capital stepped in...
Terrible management? Poor business planning? Not properly analyzing the market and knowing where your product will land? Giving the founders rock star treatment based on who they are? All of the above?
I would assume that not getting paid pretty much equates to being laid off anyway. Apparently not paying the staff wasn't enough to make them walk out the door of their own accord.
I don't care if characters are gay. I don't care if comic book publishers want to do new and interesting things with characters to reflect the social outlook that surrounds them. I do, however, dislike the blatant political pandering that's being done with both publishers at this time to come screaming (out of the…
Just in time for all of these new download caps ISP's are placing on their service.
Just how is it that gamers getting to play the games they want at price points they agree to, and developers making in cash based on F2P models is "troubling?" If the market didn't support F2P games, then F2P games would die.
No, you're not at fault. Capitalism is all about choice and getting the most bang for your buck. You've done nothing wrong. At best, 38 Studios is at fault for not putting together a better business plan.
Unintended acceleration? Really? I guess turning the car off wasn't an option...
Nope. I saved her. Played the first game twice and saved her both times. But of course you'll think I'm just "lying."
Wait. The average gamer is in their 30s and yet being in Generation X removes her from the target audience. Those don't square together.
Taylor, as a fellow gamer and American Veteran let me just "good game brother." Good game indeed. My your brother-in-law rest in peace and my sincerest condolences to you, your family, and your brother's bride. I value and honor his sacrifice to our country.
While I've been hearing great reviews for The Avengers, I'm looking forward to this movie even more.
So let's ban the sun. Some people are allergic to solar radiation. If sunlight isn't good for everyone it can't be good then. All those green leafy things can just do without.
No. It doesn't mean it's always worse for some. Buy a hamburger and tell me who is worse off for you doing so. At best, it's the cow. But hundreds of people benefit in the process of bringing you a hamburger to buy and in the end your want is satisfied and all those people made a living in the process.
It is great. It's a source of conflict. It's an event that won't last long and will result in other players attempting to stop it for the good of the universe. What's not to love.