
Has there been an Obsidian game that *wasn't* buggy?

Sure developers can sue. Doesn't mean they'll win, but that's for a judge to decide. I'm sure there are a few lawyers who think they've got a case against Sony.

Oh no. You're probably right. At the rate the PSN updates we can expect to simply leave our PS3's on for a week just to download everything.

I just want to be able to log into Netflix without having to "O" out of the prompt to sign into the PSN eleventy-two times. That's annoying as hell.

It's easier to sell something that you're passionate about. If I ran a store I would want people who are excited about the products I sell. However, there's a little thing called "professionalism." Bashing one product to sell a different product is not okay. Focusing a sale on the products you know well is okay.

Sony, the next patch to my playstation can you just tell me that you're encrypting the data? If nothing else it'll make me feel better.

What's a "maid cafe?"

How about "because they want to?"

Lord of the Rings Online is a great game and it's F2P. Also Champions Online is F2p and is really quite good.

Well one they're creepy and just ugly looking, two some of those small and fragile spiders can kill you.

Great idea! You could always send them to and let them do it.

Can we do away with numbers and feature an epeen for the character sheet instead?

Marvel Super Heroes RPG..... Amber Diceless....!

The only way Duke Nukem can live up to my expectations at this point is if it does my laundry, makes me pizza, and fetches me hookers. Anything less than that and I'm pretty sure I could give a damn.

The sad thing is this game is really going to blow. After 15+ years there's no way this game can even live up to the expectations of gamers.

Its not just about bailouts. It's about a small federal government based on the Constitution. It's about the rule of law, not the rule of men. It's about lower taxes and drastically reduced government spending.

The fact of the matter was there wasn't really that much objectivism to be critical of in the game. What was actually presented was so tiny that it really didn't mean much to anything. I enjoyed the art deco deisgns more than anything, but art deco has nothing to do with objectivism other than some art deco covers for

You're right about Objectivism and Bioshock. Levine stating that the game was about objectivism and then throwing up a bunch of art deco design for the game world doesn't make it about objectivism. The only aspects of the philosophy represented in the game was in the founding of Rapture. I was really hoping for a more

Elitist close-minded bricks exist in all levels of society.

Looks like those oppressed slave labor crews shall have to double their efforts!