Sun-Tzubaru - With Zoom-Zoom

DAMN! Beat me to it


Ford Mondeo wagon begs to differ

At risk of beating an old meme, is the ending better than Mass Effect 3?

Agreed. Whether or not you agree with their actions - as what is essentially a shareholder the US Government has every right to dictate how their money is invested.

If you read the press statement, GM mentions they will be continuing production at Oshawa with different vehicles.

What circuit are you most looking forward to racing on?

Caparo Vehicle Technologies. As close to a street-legal F1 car as one is going to get.

Pretty sure that's a BMW, dude.

Twin-turbo goodness? Check.

2nd Gear:

It wouldn't be Jalopnik unless one of the answers was always Miata.

Ford Focus ST Wagon - the wagon means Santalopnik has extra space for delivering presents while hooning across the world.


How to make the perfect Lincoln Ad:

5th Gear: So they designed the F70's rear specifically for Ray Wert's pleasure?

Ray Wert

I'll let Mr. Wonka express my reaction to 1st Gear:

So tempted to vote Nice Price...but cannot bring myself to do it.

2014 Chrevrolet Silverado does not change facial expressions.