There’s nothing problematic about the headline. It’s a clear statement of the show’s premise: that the witchy world of Sabrina is as burdened with the patriarchy as our own. That’s a statement about the show’s plot, not about its values.
There’s nothing problematic about the headline. It’s a clear statement of the show’s premise: that the witchy world of Sabrina is as burdened with the patriarchy as our own. That’s a statement about the show’s plot, not about its values.
Well, I think you need to read past the title on pretty much anything to get the point. But the headline isn’t claiming the show isn’t feminist. It’s claiming the show doesn’t portray witchcraft isn’t feminist, which it is often shown to be in pop culture now. It’s not about sisterhood.
Oh, sorry, I think you’re misreading the headline. The show depicts witchcraft as being tainted by patriarchal values, but Sabrina is rejecting that to demand her bodily autonomy.
This show is explicitly about Sabrina rejecting the patriarchal system of hell. Are you saying patriarchy shouldn’t be depicted in the media?
It would be MUCH better if Piper and Alex were kept mostly on the sidelines. They’re the least interesting characters in the show.
This is a video article?
“I have trace amounts of truck driver, though...”
Whenever I have a problem, I throw an interception,
that offense is in a Bad Place right now
You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.
he doesn’t have the shooting range for the modern game.
Tesla Recalls Thousands of Models Over Sudden Right Turn
She is so hilarious. As Janet, as Bad Janet, as Bad Janet pretending to be Janet and failing, as Janet pretending to be Bad Janet and failing.
That movie made a lot of movie.
It also fills your calendar with lots of weight lifting appointments so they know you couldn’t have been drinking on the day in question.
‘The Trump administration has sued California for restoring net neutrality after the FCC struck it down last year.’
Kavanaugh: The Clintons and liberals are in a giant conspiracy to destroy me, my career, and my family.
“I’m sorry, Lauren, but you must have me confused for someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I’m a staff writer.”
I love roadsters, but this car does nothing for me. The design is lacking elegance.
Brett Kavanaugh Hid in the White House For 9 Hours