
On the other hand serial killers and other criminals often target sex workers because they know they're not as protected by the law. And legalizing or decriminalizing sex work could involve putting in place requirements to be continuously tested for diseases in order to keep your "license".

I have never once paid attention to firmware numbers.  It seems like a weird thing to focus on.  If there are major updates to the system, we’ll hear about them eventually either way.

The USMNT should not be talking shit to anyone.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you...

You’re competing with Corvette’ act like it.”

340 is enough, you’re driving it wrong.

No stick, no sale. I say, “Good Day Sir!”

Needs more “yo’s”


“Lookit my punner, Yo!”

Anyone who punts from the opponent’s 15 yard line deserves everything that happens to them.

yo bro yo..... yo

That punter was looking just like the Statue of Liberty:

It takes a special kind of asshole to be the worst person in a video featuring a guy recording himself lifting at the gym and dropping his deadlifts.

He put mats under the plates specifically to minimize the noise made. Not sure what the issue is.

Meowscular Chef at #1 or GTFO

Yes. Only the top 20 or so picks get full guarantees across all four years of their rookie deals. What a devastating precedent it might set if teams had to pay what amounts to a rounding error for a mistake at the top of the first round on a pick with no bargaining power on an artificially reduced salary. That

All those words that have little green lines under them in the article are known as “sources”. That’s where news comes from. ”Nu-uh” is not a legitimate counter-point.

Because most people have no idea what you are talking about when you say “legit PCB or build a MAME” and just want to play street fighter like they did in an arcarde

Because most people have no idea what you are talking about when you say “legit PCB or build a MAME” and just want

feed her to a bear