The NCAA is investigating reports that each player in the game might be receiving as much as 8 bits in compensation.
The NCAA is investigating reports that each player in the game might be receiving as much as 8 bits in compensation.
“co-creator Jermaine Clement”
It can be two things.
Don’t listen to Patrick. Tell her your relationship is at an end if she doesn’t quit. If she refuses to quit, respect her decision and move on. As hard as that may be, you’ll be happier in the long run and the children will be happier as well.
Hey Guys,
Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free…
out of curiosity, was this possibility raised at any point before the IOC banned Russia from the Winter Games? Because the idea that Donald is actually doing this to “be a bitch” is absolutely hilarious.
don’t forget undoing whatever the black guy did.
Jesus, Donald. Don’t be a bitch just because you were told your boyfriend couldn’t come.
This was the quintessential “we’re all going to burn in hell for liking football” game.
I’m willing to bet that she weighs the same as a duck
I can’t understand how this band is so huge. Their music is fine but for the most part it is just pretty uninteresting to me. Serious question from fans, what is the big appeal?
Hillary won the popular vote. So did Net Neutrality.
Its only cheating if it breaks the rules of the competition, which this clearly does. If you’re doing a glitchless run and you sneak a glitch in, then you’ve cheated, but if the whole contest is built around exploiting glitches then it’s not cheating. Basketball players aren’t cheating just because you can’t grab the…
They do, the issue is that too few voters care.
Imagine if politics came under as much scrutiny as speed runs.
Many businesses and entire industries want to make things difficult for serious and informed customers and instead rely on the out sized profits they can get from the uninformed or those they can manipulate.
A place that lays everything out, all the information I want is likely to get my business if their price is…
We need Moore of this