
Fuck Trump.

Well I’m certainly swelling with pride.

“Wait a minute. Almost no one who has committed a lethal act of terror in America has come from any of those countries on the executive order, and even fewer are refugees. What is this travel ban REALLY about?”

I’m assuming there was more to this response but you were typing on your iPhone and it didn’t register the next paragraph.


6 year olds? Like Nike would have their plant managers doing this.. Its clearly the work of 4 year old interns.

No, he means buku, the officials currency of the obscure tiny island nation where Nike has the jerseys made.

What does Trump have to do with this? Jesus, do you have to politicize everything?

They’re not going to spend a ton of money of fabric because they know fans are just going to end up burning them at some point anyway.

Look at this big ass brown wagon, look at it because it checks all the right boxes for you, and this is what YOU will buy.

Interference? Perhaps. Really good catch for a kid? Absolutely.

I’m starring this comment in the hopes that in another 10 years time you remember this comment and get over this shit because:

And you’ve not had any fun since, it sounds like.

Oh man what a waste of time reading your comment was. I feel bad about myself now.

Weird. He was disappointed and then remembered he didn’t care. I am not sure how that works.

The rise of the term snowflake is one of the absolute dumbest parts of this whole mess.

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL