Why do we keep having to have this fight? Those videos are lies. People want and need PP. Abortion is legal and even if it wasn’t women would still being getting them.
Why do we keep having to have this fight? Those videos are lies. People want and need PP. Abortion is legal and even if it wasn’t women would still being getting them.
Uh. I can assure you that being someone’s fiancé doesn’t grant you the ability to make medical decisions for the person. Fuck, I couldn’t even get Comcast to talk to me when my husband and I were engaged. You have no legal rights as a “fiancé"
I said this in another thread but since IT’S BEING BROUGHT UP AGAIN, he has a suckling baby mouth and it is disgusting.
You need to text me before you try shit like this. I could have told you that you would have been VERY disappointed. That shit needs the best chicken stock you can find a potato and some fucking cream (along with the onion) before it would even BEGIN to taste like something.
I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.
Several bridled at the thought, and an unnamed mare became downright bucky.
None of them bit.
What was the mane reason?
You know, they didn’t get a horse to direct Seabiscuit!
I read like one paragraph of this, which included her name and the phrase “Lime Crime” and I’ve already deemed it gibberish.
I’ve never had it before but I love good, black licorice, not that shitty red vines crap, but good, expensive, black licorice. The salt sounds intriguing.
There can never be enough salty licorice. Or salty enough licorice, for that matter. Pumpkin spice everything can fuck right off.
General Zhukov: Comrade, we have just captured Berlin!
Remember to let that Lays bag breathe a little after you open it, I’m sorry aerate.
I haven’t the slightest, but I’m glad that Uber and Lyft haven’t caught on in my city yet, because this shit is shady as hell and terrifying.
Marketing. They were incredibly successful in tapping the “stick it to the man, share-economy” market. Who needs regulation and licensing? C’mon kids, let’s put on a show in the old barn! That’s filled with rapists!
Perhaps I'm just an old, but with all the awful I've read about it, HOW IS UBER STILL A THING.
But Christopher Meloni!!!!
I was so hoping it turned out Alison Brie was in it & this was from the funeral. Nopers. Ah well. Starburns, you were missed! And then not.
So... I read that as Yako Ono and it lead me down a path of wondering what a mashup twitter account of animaniacs quotes and Yoko Ono would be like.