
Somebody up on top of Fixed News has misunderstood their clout and may well get to pay for it during the 2020 election cycle.

So I guess we know what tomorrow morning’s Twittertantrum and tomorrow afternoon’s executive order are going to cover.

Oh no. Stop. Come back.

wont they lose all the white trash and scared racist old people that the GOP love and depend on so much for votes? not that thats a bad thing. perhaps in the absence of fox’s bs, people might start to think for themselves.... long shot but one can dream.

“Christians” hate it when they are told the simple fact that they are not acting like Christians.

Donald Trump is President because of Hillary Clinton.

Hard to believe that anyone could look at the past term and not comprehend that voting for the lesser evil is a far better option than not voting at all.

If Joe is the nominee it would prove that the Democratic party doesn’t learn nor listen. It’ll be 2016 all over again with a candidate who is basically telling people who are hurting that there’s not a damn thing they can or will even attempt to do to help which isn’t going to get the base out.

Source on him not voting for Clinton in 2016? He supported Bernie but he rallied hard for Clinton once she was the nominee, he even made a doc about it. 

Moore wasn’t too optimistic about Trump being a one-term president either.

Again, what leak? They bought information legally from companies that collected it legally. Ok, there might be a non disclosure clause in the purchase agreement but breaking that would be a civil offence, not a criminal one, so no possible charges - and even if it exists I really doubt they published anything

Wow, and yikes! When aliens dropped him off in order to infiltrate our society they must have drilled into him “Don’t forget to smile; humans like it when you smile.”

> FCC don’t hold them accountable

More than one person can use an individual phone. Phones can be stolen.

“particularly women of color.”

Mark Zuckerberg always likes to talk about massive data tracking programs like this by saying it lets them serve you more relevant ads, for products you care about. And the way he says it you know for certain he doesn’t believe that. What he does believe is that they can charge more money for a targeted ad than a

This is very chilling, if not at all surprising.

I for one, am quite excited for these movies and the grand story they are poised to tell 

Sorry... didn’t have time to read the article, but you probably need to cook them longer.