
“Christians” hate it when they are told the simple fact that they are not acting like Christians.

Donald Trump is President because of Hillary Clinton.

Hard to believe that anyone could look at the past term and not comprehend that voting for the lesser evil is a far better option than not voting at all.

If Joe is the nominee it would prove that the Democratic party doesn’t learn nor listen. It’ll be 2016 all over again with a candidate who is basically telling people who are hurting that there’s not a damn thing they can or will even attempt to do to help which isn’t going to get the base out.

Source on him not voting for Clinton in 2016? He supported Bernie but he rallied hard for Clinton once she was the nominee, he even made a doc about it. 

Moore wasn’t too optimistic about Trump being a one-term president either.

He broke them the way one does a horse.

I loved how incredibly muddled the opinion is of those opposed to impeachment. They don’t seem to know what the hell to do with him. Some think he did nothing wrong and the whole thing’s a sham. Some believe he did something wrong, but it’s not illegal. Others think he did something wrong and need to be censured...

Seriously, are we up against a cult or something? Donald Trump said this about Fiorina when he ran against her In 2016:

Not only can the Senate remove the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people from office if they so choose, they can also ban him from holding any other Federal office.

“Don’t bring the children into this!” has always been something only Republicans get to say.

He has the RNC doing it for him. They're even cancelling primaries. 

I would watch a debate featuring Warren answering questions next to an empty dais.

After Elizabeth Warren is the nominee (wishful thinking!!!!!); I want her to call Trump a coward at every opportunity because he refuses to debate her. Call him a coward and keep asking what Trump is afraid of. Over and over and over again.

The anti-bullying portion of Melania Trump’s Be Best initiative apparently doesn’t include teen activists:

When GWB said, “Americans already have health care. It’s called the emergency room,” even his answer was better than whatever Pete said.

They’re mostly similar in that bad-faith accusations of antisemitism, a problem that permeates the entirety of UK society and politics (and European/US politics in general), were disingenuously weaponized against Labour and Corbyn as something specific to them — and with the aid of a bootlicking corporate press it

Elizabeth Warren was the first candidate to pull out of the debate

“In other UK news, uh, Boris Johnson and white nationalist goon Stephen Miller hung out loads when Johnson was foreign secretary under Theresa May.”

This guy doesn’t even know what the amendment he is taking about says. The 1st isn’t about free speech like he thinks.