
Yeah, now they need to explain how/when he had a family.  His experiments on children (taking away the puppy) seem to indicate to me why he wasn’t in the picture for his daughter anyways.  

The shot of “spores, molds and fungus”.

I really like that; taking the Smalltown USA, “kids investigate Mysterious Events” (in the old factory/mine/neighbours) template and putting a Ghostbusters spin on the story is a really smart move in taking the story out of 80s NY - yet keeping the supernatural roots.

He is a pretty engaging speaker though, and being a Rhodes scholar is pretty impressive. In the context of the full quote, doesn’t sound like he had the implied ‘for a black man’, but who knows.

If you think about it, in the abstract, what is wrong with saying someone is “well spoken?”

If there is an innocent usage of the phrase, then I guess we can start complimenting some Southern whites as “very well spoken,” too. /s

One of the things that sucks about coded language and coded bigotry, is that it can trap innocent people.

Yep. Without exclusion, customers are job creators and labor turns the profits. Ownership is largely superfluous. Keeping the customers AND employees happy is how you make a sustainable long-term enterprise. People make you more money when they like you, shocker.

I’ve seen them referred to as ‘the Angreys’ back in the Gawker days

Theranos may have never delivered on the technology they promised (because it was always impossible and fatally flawed at the basic science level), but at least they thought they were doing something important for humanity.

For the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone deludes themselves enough to think selling

Completely. My mind just kept screaming as I read and learned how she completely blew off all the production issues and just placed the burden on customer service, repeatedly. Not even trying to hire more people, or even temps for the goddamned holidays. This Is Not How You Deliver An Exceptional Customer Service

“I can imagine how people felt reading those messages from the past, because I was appalled to read them myself.”

Ha! All apologies are for things in the past, and this company was founded in 2015.

Imagine thinking “from the past” is in any way exculpatory.

The four factors of production are Land, LABOR, capital, and entrepreneurial ability. We have right to work States, which translates to right to work someplace else if you don’t like the way you’re treated. As a former ‘union’ President, I have learned never to rely on the benevolence of an employer. It seems shabby

So to all the idiot bigots in the comments who are always claiming Black people should “take responsibility” even for shit they can’t actually control, is this the example we Negroes are meant to follow? You know the complete inability to take responsibility for having formed words that came out of his goddamn mouth?

As someone who travels for work a lot, they make a mediocre product (not just that it is hardsided, but that doesn’t help), charge no less than better quality luggage costs, and the battery thing is a stupid gimmick that, while it is now removable, adds little actual value over an anker battery pack and can cause

Companies have studied what makes a genuinely good manager, and the skill set isn’t what most people assume it should be, plus it’s really rare to find someone who naturally has it.

I run a very small business. I run any changes by the people it effects,let them set their goals, and actively work with my crew to make sure they have the tools needed and the financial drive to do their best work. It's not as hard as CEOs make it sound. You just have to respect your staff as equal in accomplishing

After reading the article, it appears as if those customer service employees working “intense” hours should sue the shit out of Away for the shit ton of unpaid hours they worked Because I doubt they would be found “exempt” under FLSA.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Given the history I would have been extremely skeptical about the “month off” panning out. It’s an absurd offer for a division that was apparently understaffed.