
The book is called A Game of Thrones (small difference) and published in 1996. DOS wasn't quite so archaic then.

as an android user... hangouts is crap I dropped it a few months ago because I got tired of typing in a name to send a text and having it default to their google account instead of their number, regardless if they were online or not. Hangouts is an annoying mess...

Change your Apple ID password, this will then eventually sign your iphone out from imessage, and then disassociate the device with your Apple ID.

Removing her drivers license was the right idea.

She was shot for threatening a police officer with a firearm, not for losing her drivers license. Even a 93 year old can pull the trigger.

Why is he a dick. He has a point. He was talking about her not having a drivers license anymore. He's also right in more ways than I think he realizes, and not just about the driving either.

I think what he is saying is that no one know what will happen when we get there and maybe we should think about it a little more before we do.

He owns a franchise of a business. It's not an independent business.

In no way do I condone racism...and Donald Sterling is a tool...HOWEVER there's a much scarier problem with this post -

If you want to show the degree of fluctuation, then, at a very minimum, include a line break in your y-axis.

There are actual reasons to do this one, namely you wouldn't be able to see the degree of natural fluctuation if you zoomed all the way out. There would also be a reason if ~310 were the baseline, of course THAT is unlikely. In context it make make more sense, depending on what they are actually trying to conclude,

Start the y-axis at zero instead of 320.

You can basically do a whole subsection with just Fox News charts:

Why would they even do this? I mean, if someone wanted to hide the fact that the gun law didn't help, they wouldn't make this graph at all.

That gun death chart is classic. I wonder how many gun proponents ran with that chart and linked it all over the internet to support their arguments.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this guy that a GOOD ass-whooping wouldn't fix.

If you've watched Voyager, you know that she can deliver technobabble lines like she really believed in them. Voyager is my favorite ST franchise (!) but I can see how she might not have fully understood it at the time but narrated it. I haven't seen the documentary either but now I really need to check it out!

PETA is run by people with about as much of a toehold on reality as Vincent Li did.

It's the Kobayashi Maru for pre-teens. I loved it. Cheated by jamming the book into a typewriter and typing the page for Ultima onto one of the choices where you reunite with your family.

You'd rather be dead than partially blind but able to read and take the bus?