
All part of the gaslighting. She’s pretending the Barr report exonerated Trump and is acting like they’re all idiots for doubting it. She knows the Muller report is the real deal and it’s being suppressed.

what the Congresswoman said was the opposite of what Schumer and Zionists are alleging here on 2 fronts:

Trump says spare no expense to help Alabama and Texas and Iowa disaster relief, but when it comes to Puerto Rico he’s suddenly stingy.

Hoyer should take a hard look. US politicians are refusing to fund more aid to Flint to help fix the water or for disaster relief in parts of the country yet demand more money to be given to Israel. And we’re not allowed to call them out on this?

Trump on Thursday; Mueller is a treasonous Democrat! He should never have been hired, this is BS!

That video of him being shot will haunt me the rest of my life. 

I like the idea of getting more liberal voices on Fox News, but at the same time Fox supporters are pointing to her as an example of how the channel is “diverse.” Is she a token minority or an actual voice in the conversation?

McCain supported the Iraq war from beginning to end. I don’t care if he had doubts, or if he said Bush made mistakes during it, the fact is he defended the war before it happened, during it, and after. He launched the same tired talking points about how France supported the WMD claim (they did not), how the Iraqis

Sheesh, no wonder why cops are so trigger happy for small sudden movements.

It was a vigil. They were grieving. They didn't show up mainly to look for Chelsea. Her presence was a surprise (and I know this because I know the organizers of the vigil).

Can you show me that tweet?

Omar’s intent, driven by bias, based on her upbringing”

Oh come on, her original tweet was about how AIPAC has too much lobbying power and how politicians cave to them, like they do with NRA, and she said “it’s all about the benjamins.” That part was accused of anti-Semitism. Yes there’s an old anti-Semitic trope about Jews with money but she was criticizing AIPAC which

“As an American,” Chelsea’s tweet implies that Ilhan was not. 

They’re not laying it at her feet. They just see her as part of the problem, turning Muslims into the “other” and acting like discussing US foreign policy on Israel is off limits. 

I’m waiting for Trump to contradict himself and retweet some islamophobic videos as he’s done in the past or make comments on killing Muslims with pork. 

One of the best things in an already awesome movie. 

Verification aside, porn addiction is a real thing and quite a serious problem in the community. 

Tucker’s defense is a paraphrased version of “that’s not who I really am. And that was a long time ago.” He just tried to dress it up a little more to hide this.

That was incredibly shameless of her to try to invite her over to berate her further.