
It’s the same dance every time, one side nominating the judge says he is very qualified with an impressive CV and the other side dismisses that because the nominee is too ideological. Both parties have been on both sides of the argument.

It seems most people with genuine knowledge of policy and national security despise Trump, but they are genuinely afraid to criticize him. Part of it is because Trump will angrily tweet about them and his horde of followers will attack and try to tear down that politician, Republican or not. Republicans who stood up

said in Arabic, “Allah will take the Jews.”

She didn’t have one; she was an intern. In Ohio, you are given a training certificate to work under a licensed doctor until you pass the exams and get a full medical license. Since she was fired, the certificate is no longer valid.

You’re really trying to split hairs, maybe you’d rather call it an open-air prison maybe, but it’s a de facto concentration camp. Gazans are not allowed to have an airport because Israel has restricted their airspace, and shoots boats that enter or leave. The Israeli government blocks aid and medicine into Gaza and

Joss Whedon said when he wrote the Loki character in Avengers that you saw him in the Thor movie as a conflicted and lost person who doesn’t know who he is anymore, but by Avengers he knows exactly who he is and what he wants. If he can’t be king of Asgard he’ll be king somewhere else. 

Of course. But his supporters say that word doesn’t fit the dictionary definition since they were over 12. 

But they are not. What Iraqi border are they fighting for? Our ally Turkey? Iran has friendly relations with the Iraqi democracy and they have a mutual defense agreement. Syria? The US isn’t exactly guarding that border. Saudi? Nope.

“bringing our troops home from never-ending wars created by neocons and the unnecessary conflicts that followed is, in fact, a good thing”

Facebook is a terrible company but social media in general probably has a net benefit to society. Let’s just switch to an open-source platform like Diaspora or a better moderated platform. 

But wouldn’t Kingpin’s family also suffer from cellular degeneration? Or did she not care?

He’s still ethnically Indian and South Asian actors are interchangeable in the roles. Aasif Mandvi played a Hindu dentist in Ghost Town. Bangladeshis play Indians. 

Can Disney just quietly walk back the termination? Say they merely demoted him to co-director. 

I’m waiting for Fox News to say what their limit is. Maybe if someone found case where a black cop mistreated a white mother? They were only angry about the Eric Garner case when they framed it as “man killed by government for not paying taxes.”

Don’t worry, the Supreme Court will judge him fairly

Tell a lie enough and people will start to believe it. It works with Pickup Artists, gas lighters, and only the most desperate politicians.

If assaulting a police officer carries an enhanced punishment then so should punishments against corrupt cops. 

I’m not Christian, so no I don’t want the government to be more Christian. However, we have a president and Republican majority who came to power by thumping on the Bible and pretending they were the real Christians despite their actions to the contrary; I’m calling them on their hypocrisy.

My sister taught Sunday school to elementary school kids in a really red county. You wouldn’t believe the questions the kids asked. “Does Jesus love Mexicans? What about illegals?”

The CIA is the broken clock here, right?