
Wow, quite a flip from “Trump is not a racist and I’m proof of it!”

Poe’s Law, man. There’s enough genuine bigots out there to make it real.

Not this again. What do you expect the women to do, grovel and say they’re sorry and apologize for other white people?

What is she talking about “not in economic growth.” Obama grew the economy by millions of jobs, the only thing Republicans groused was that it should have been faster somehow.

Wow, I haven’t seen that myth in decades. It’s a false myth of course, because Muslims pray to the God of Abraham and Moses. Mainstream Christians and Jews agree with this. Even the Pope has said it’s correct.

It sounds like they wanna throw the “resisting arrest” charge on her but can’t. 

I’ve always hated that phrase, because mainly they mean Christian and toss in “Judeo” as a token thing. They always exclude Islam from their values message despite us all having the same Abrahamic faith. 

Isn’t Sessions one of those politicians who claimed he should be sent to Washtington in order to bring “Christian values” into the government? Amazing how he embodies none of Christianity.

Republicans keep talking about how “the libs are so easy to trigger” but watching them get so bent out of shape over a Nike ad is breathtaking.

The first one isn’t very specific. There’s plenty of religious people in his administration.

The fact that they didn’t immediately overcorrect in the first makes me think they were distracted or hands weren't on the wheel.

Where is she though? Under the bridge?

a 5-minutes-in-the-past time machine.

He’s completely ignoring the fact that Moore signed a publicity waiver before being interviewed, giving them the right to record and publish him.

He used to defend Woodward:

“You look at what he said about President Bush, what he said about President Obama, big scandalous things.”

If Trump was a Democrat, we would never hear the end of this story from Fox News. They would be looping her recordings non-stop and acting like this is Linda Tripp 2.0. O’Reilly would be demanding impeachment proceedings for gross malpractice and lack of security, and Hannity would talk nightly and daily about how

He also posted the guy’s cell number. 

Oh it’s more than “probably,” it’s a certainty. Go back and watch Fox News after Obama won. Twice. “People who don’t even know how to spell ‘vote’ decided the election!” “We’re a country of people who demand things.” “Stupid anti-American liberals voted him in!”

Why would the news honor her request to remain anonymous?