That’s not how it works. God created hardship to test people, and show if people are all talk and no action or not. This storm exposed a lot of corruption and gave others the opportunity for good deeds.
That’s not how it works. God created hardship to test people, and show if people are all talk and no action or not. This storm exposed a lot of corruption and gave others the opportunity for good deeds.
The “yes and no” part is infuriating regardless. Jesus, peace be upon him, preached to give up nearly everything for the poor and sacrifice your own comfort to help others. The church’s waffling on the issue is galling regardless. What have they sacrificed? What has Osteen given up, aside from maybe one of his private…
On one hand, thank God for Facebook for showing us how many ordinary-looking people have racist thoughts and beliefs. On the other hand, Facebook is indoctrinating a lot of people into racist views. Let’s hope one wins out over the other.
What, no mention of Lil Jay aka Jay Dabhi? He popularized a lot of Bollywood mixes in the same time and place as DJ Rekha.
She comes off as a smarter version of Melania, but even more deplorable.
Depends on your definition of racism. I agree that it can be a form of milder racism, but still in the category.
Because racists = evil. Nobody sees themselves as evil. Nobody wants to be called racist and have that stigma, so they dodge the term.
This counts as a “speedy” trial?
He’s a Rorschach image to them. People see what they want to see; a committed Christian, an expert businessman, a tough guy against terrorists, a shrewd negotiator, etc. None of it is anywhere true. Most Trump supporters acknowledge a lot of what he says is bluster and overpromising, but they are okay because “he’s on…
“a movement built on love”
I remember when Ramona threw up in school and then was upset because the principal would probably never be her pal now, because who wants to be pals with someone who throws up?
This is just another case of minorities being pitted against one another. When the majority of black voters in CA voted to ban gay marriage, you saw a swell of racism come out by liberals and the LGBT community against the black community. Never mind that they were a small portion of the overall vote. Now, I’m seeing…
That’s a lie AND a dangerous lie at that. Claiming Jews lie about their religion promotes hate crimes. Are you one of those extreme hatemongers who claims Muslims are allowed to lie to non-Muslims? That’s false too, the Quran says “do not mix truth with falsehood, or hide the truth when you know it.” (2:42) The Quran…
That claim has already failed. Bannon thought that the transgender ban was going to be a political success; he said see if the Rust Belt would support Democrats who believe in trans rights. Turns out, actually that issue is winning for Dems.
That is an ignorant and false claim. First, islam was not spread by the sword. Forcible conversion is completely forbidden by the Quran itself. “Let there be No compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from error. (2:256)“ Look at Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country with over 300 million, no Muslim…
Yes. The book and movie Game Change went into it in detail.
Well, first of all he released most of his stuff during the Obama years. Second, Assange had a reputation as an independent whistleblower before he was then accused of rape and then began seemingly siding with Trump and then was exploited by Russian intelligence services. So yeah, many of us soured on him long before…
Paris Dennard was some piece of work on CNN last night. Rather than address that Trump said a lot of racist things or defend it, he instead kept insisting that Trump is not a racist in his heart. He ignored the comments completely.
“You can’t blame the entire alt-right for what an extremist did.”