
You’re making excuses for Macron offensively claiming Africans have 8 kids per woman by saying well they do have somewhat more kids anyway. Defending Macron doesnt help Africans, this isn’t a matter of “imperfect language,” and you can’t pretend to be the honorable and wronged party here.

Because he’s grossly oversimplifying. Look at the fertility rates. While Africa has a higher fertility rate than the rest of the world (and it’s falling dramatically over the last 20 years), no country has a fertility rate of “7-8” like he claims. Although most African countries have four or more children per woman, a

It’s a gross overgeneralization. Look at the fertility rates. While Africa has a higher fertility rate than the rest of the world, no country has a fertility rate of “7-8.” Although most countries have four or more children per woman, a few are below or near replacement fertility levels, including Mauritius (1.5),

Is it actually justified? Once the flight reaches cruising altitude it would take 10 of him to open that door due to the massive pressure.

Why is this on Jezebel?

Not really, it’s like complaining there’s too many brands of cars. “Text Mom I’ll be home in 20 minutes” is not exactly different syntax for each service.

Race is a social construct. My Italian grandfather was not considered white, but I am.

What prosecutors say in court and what police tell the public are different things. The Virginia murder of Nabra Hassenain wasn’t immediately deemed by police to be “road rage” and not a hate crime despite the fact that he attacked a bunch of Muslims, and possibly raped one of them. That’s not road rage!

I’m a doctor. If I posted a venting snap about how I hate patients and feel good about killing a few, do you think people would want to come to my hospital? Do you think already-nervous patients would brush it off? No, the hospital would fire me to protect their reputation. Cops and doctors have to maintain

Because Trump is hemorrhaging support among women, who are a reliable republican bloc. If he keeps this up he won’t have enough support for anything to be passed.

Let’s remind Republicans that if they defend this kind of behavior, they forefit any right to complain when the other side does it. Bush spied on Americans without warrants and dragged America into military conflicts without public approval. Obama did the same and Republicans threatened him. Fox News pundits who said

White women who voted. Senior citizens also skewed that number. Let’s not blame the entire group, this is like when many liberals blamed black people in general for opposing gay marriage in California in 2008 over roughly the same numbers.

These people watch professional comedians and think they can be just as edgy and funny. Never turns out well. Just check YouTube.

Community policing is about trust. It’s extremely easy to break that trust, it’s fragile. Can we trust this cop ever again? If the answer is no he should be dismissed from the force, end of story. So many other professions bar people for life for violations of trust; a doctor or nurse who steals drugs once, a bank

“expected to surrender to authorities on July 5.”

12.6% of America is African-American according to the census. It makes sense to see Black mass shooters along with white ones and Latino ones etc in a population of millions. Are people surprised by this?

53% of white women who voted. That’s a lot of senior citizens skewing the numbers.

Citation needed.

No sympathy for the student whatsoever.