Geostorm? Is there even a plot? Or just, watch this montage of cities getting wiped out, who cares about characters.
Geostorm? Is there even a plot? Or just, watch this montage of cities getting wiped out, who cares about characters.
I thought only 43% of white women’s votes went to Trump. Are you sure?
Nobody supports women more than Trump... according to Trump.
The press is like “does this sound normal to you? Let’s get a panel together to discuss it.” They seem to be calling attention to it in a repeated effort to convince Trump’s supporters that he’s not good, each time hoping this tips the scales.
Trump’s new order admits he was lying about the first one. He said he HAD to surprise announce the first ban with no advance warning to border security, because he didn’t want “the bad guys” to get tipped off. This new order takes effect in 10 days, so why the phony “national security” talk when you let everyone get…
Trump was endorsed by open hate groups, which keep throwing “honor killings” out there as if they happen daily (they don’t, in a population of tens of millions in North America I’d be hard pressed to find more than 5 cases In the last century, compared to how many domestic abuse murders by Latinos or whites in the…
I don’t like this repeated argument because it presumes that Saudis SHOULD be banned. That is also unfair, they’re good people living under a dictatorship that the US keeps going for its selfish benefit.
Is there any pushback from fellow Republicans on his hypocrisy? Any?
I don’t know where you heard that, for example most of the mosque vandalism has been in the red states.
Wasn’t Tin Man a SciFi reimagining of OZ (the Outer Zone)?
That would be good, but there’s too many genuine racists in the party for the scales to tip. LGBT groups tried this (eg the Log Cabin Republicans) and they got nowhere.
8 cases closed, 92 more still open. And the cemetery vandalism.
I don’t get what Uber has to gain by being so willfully obtuse. Considering all the employees coming out and claiming rampant sexism, was this all just a testosterone thing?
Way too opinionated here, Eve. It’s not as bad as you made it out to be. So what if he wants to capitalize on a short-run meme.
What baloney.
This is a silly headline and the author doesn’t seem to understand what BitCoin is or why people buy it then. It’s a replacement to PayPal and still a good way to transfer money. The author dismisses it because an exchange was broken into, that’s like saying don’t use money because once a bank was robbed.
What an ignorant statement. “Spread by the sword” is one of those myths that never goes away despite how many times it’s debunked. Do you think we all wear turbans too?
There’s better ways to stop nuclear proliferation rather than build a $25 billion wall and leave the coast undefended and private aircraft unsearched. But fear not, Trump has literally put the job of preventing loose nukes in the hands of Rick Perry, who didn’t know the job description until a few weeks ago.
It’s not even a well done clip. Had they maybe just drawn up a new scene of them singing or something then that would have been creative. This is no better than any kid trying to splice existing videos. Low standard.
Next time I read about the Detroit Auto Show, I too will bash the US government in the comments section for it’s unrelated crimes. Thanks.